V. We need to talk

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Hey everyone! New update. Enjoy! Comment if you have any suggestions or such and I will get back to you.


Barry's POV

I woke up and realized that the tv was still on. I sat up and went to get some breakfast when Kara came in.

"Hey, I didn't think that you got up yet," she says.

I merely groan in response, too tired to say anything.

"That's what I thought would happen," she says with a chuckle.

"Gimme a few minutes I'll be ready," I reply.

"Today we are going to the DEO. Ms. Grant went to go visit Hilary Clinton today," Kara says.

"Great a day off," I say. "When do we have to go to the DEO?"

"At 10, it is 8 am right now," she replies. "Can we not tell anyone about this?"

"Hey, Nobody Gotta Know," I say smirking.

We watch some musicals and wait until it is 9:55 to go to the DEO.

"Supergirl, you're late," Hank says.

"Yeah, by 1 minute," Kara replies.

"Okay, we brought you here for something other than bickering with Hank," Alex says, breaking up the fight.

"So what are we here for?" I ask, a bit excited that I can do something like saving people.

"Well Supergirl will stop some aliens and you will use the help of our resources to find a way to get home," Hank replies.

"What come on?" I whine. "I have been doing that for days now, I want to do something different!" 

"He can come with me," Kara says with a smile.

"I see no harm from that. After all, with the two of them, they will prosbably take down more," Alex helpfully adds.

Hank looks at me for an agonizing few seconds and says, "Okay fine. But you will have to be on comms."

"Yes sir!" I reply enthusiastically, causing Alex to look at me weirdly.

Kara's POV

I wanted Barry to come so we could talk about us but since he needed comms I realized that can't happen. I decided to wait until we got back to the house.

They fight the aliens and stuff, all the Livewire and Silver Banshee stuff is done already. It was on Day one.

As we get in the house, I close the door immediately and turn to Barry.

"We need to talk," I say quickly.

"About what?" A confused Barry asks.

"You know what."

After the confused doesn't leave his face for a few seconds, I say, "About us! Barry we need to talk about us!"


"Because you are gonna go back to your earth and this would have never happened! You would go back to Iris and fall in love with her and I would stay here heartbroken!" I shout.

"Why would that happen?" He asks quietly.

"Because I hear you whisper her name in your sleep. As much as you think that you love me more, you don't Barry! You love her and now that I know that I don't want to have my heart broken more! If this goes any further, I will like you more, and you will have more power over my heart. And that can't happen since you are definitely going to leave!"

"You don't know that," he whispers.

"You will return home Barry. You are too smart to not have figured it out already," I say.

"You are right. I am close to getting it but I don't want to leave! I don't want to break your heart!"

"What do you think your loved ones at home are thinking? I don't want to be the person to cause them that pain! You are going to have to leave! As much as it hurts me!"

"But I don't want this to end. I haven't ever been happier."

"Maybe this, what we have won't end, but I know your time on this Earth will end soon. I will love you Barry, this Earth or yours," I say sadly.

"Then we shouldn't just put a stop to what we have," Barry calmly says.

"You're right. If I am still going to love you, I might as well do something," I say before I crash my lips on his.

I kind of have a little writer's block. I think I will have him leave this earth soon and then I will have shorter chapters with just one POV. I'm not sure I'm still planning it out. Hope you like the drama and chapter. 

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