VI. Bye Barry Allen.

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Hey! Guys this will be a little sad chapter.


Barry's POV

"Oh my god!" I shout, causing heads at the DEO to turn toward me.

"What is it Allen?" Hank asks as he walks to me.

"I found out how to get home!" I shout happily. Then realization dawns on me and I replay quietly, "I found out how to get home."

"Good job," Hank says.

I explain to him how it will work but I am constantly thinking of how to tell Kara.

"I found out how to get home," I spit out immediately when I meet Kara.

"Oh? That's good Barry. Yeah that's good," she says as if she is reassuring herself.

I tell her how and we leave immediately.

"Do you want me to wait a day?" I ask uncertainly.

"No! Barry you have to get home. The sooner the better," she says but the tears welling up in her eyes betray her.

"Come here," I say while holding my hands out for her to come.

She takes my hug and cries into my chest. We stay like this for a few minutes with no interruptions.

"Remember Kara. I will never forget you," I say while cupping her face in my hands and looking at her in the eyes.

"Okay you have to go now!" She says, wiping her eyes and backing away.

"Okay," I say quietly.

I decide to try to make her a little happy before I leave.

"Want to see who is faster, Girl of Steel?" I ask trying to get her to smile.

"Oh just you wait Scarlet Speedster," she replies, smiling.

Kara's POV

As Barry disappears, I say, "Bye Barry Allen."

A single tear falls down my face and I go back before I completely break down. I get home and start eating my ice cream when Alex walks in with potstickers. I burst into tears and she comes to give me a hug. 

"You are gonna be fine," she whispers in my ear.

"How do you know?" I choke out.

"Because you always are," Alex replies. "You are so strong Kara. You will survive through any obstacle life throws at you. You will thrive. Nothing can break you."

"Why does it hurt so much?" I wail.

"Because that is life. It can be an angel at times or it can be the devil. But you can always decide to live by its rules or your own," Alex says while stroking my hair in an attempt to calm me down.

"Thanks Alex. Thank you for being here," I say.

"You're my sister I will always be here for you," she states.

I fully break down and eventually let slumber take over me.

Sorry it is a really short chapter. I'm working on it! I think I will have emotional chapters now. Still planning it out. Hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment! 

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