VII. I'm sorry

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So first I would like to say thanks to the people who are voting on my book! Thanks! It's just like two people but it still makes me happy! Thank you for reading! Now onto the chapter. Hope you enjoy!


Barry's POV

"Oh my god!" I hear Cisco shout as I stumble into the Cortex.

"Are you alright?" I hear Caitlin ask. I hear the clicking of heels on the floor and a firm hand on my shoulder, steadying me.

"Yeah yeah no I'm fine," I answer.

"Well I'm gonna run some tests on you," Caitlin says while leading me to the med bay.

"You were gone for a while Barry," Cisco says while chewing on some licorice.

"Yeah I know," I say.

After the tests are done and I am cleared to go, I first go to Joe.

"Hey Joe!" I say with a big grin on my face.

"Barry?" Joe asks while walking towards me.

"Yeah it's me," I reply, still not having realized that I left Kara.

"Where were you?" Joe asks, pulling me into a big hug.

"Oh you know, just another Earth," I say, realizing what I left behind on that Earth.

"You okay?" Joe asks me, noticing my considerable change of mood.

"I'm okay. Caitlin ran the tests on me," I say with a shake of my head.

"Okay well have you seen Iris?" Joe asks.

"No," I answer simply. "Where is she?"

"I think Central City Picture News," Joe says.

"Okay bye!" I say while rushing off to the elevator.

I reach the location and search for Iris.

"Barry?" I hear behind me.

"Yeah it's me Iris," I say.

"Oh my god!" She says before running to me and enveloping me in her hug. As she hugs me, I think of how I won't get Kara's hugs everyday and how no one could compare to her.

I catch up with Iris and when we go to the West house and she makes dinner, Joe asks me, "Barry, when are you going to ask her?"

"Wait what? Oh no. I'm sorry Joe, I fell in love with someone else," I say.

"What? She was a mess when you weren't here! She finally likes you back and you go and fall in love with someone else?" Joe scolds me.

"Yeah. Her name is Kara Danvers and she is an alien. She protects her city on her Earth," I reply.

"Well you've known Iris your whole life!" Joe refutes.

"I have waited for most of my life for her to like me back! She took too long! I won't be waiting around forever for everything!" I shout.

"Dinner's ready!" I hear Iris shout from the kitchen. She clearly didn't hear me.

"You don't tell her about this yet," Joe says while shooting me a glare.

"Yes," I answer back.

"It wasn't a question," Joe finishes before leaving.

We eat dinner and pretend everything is normal.

I know that it is short but the chapters will probably be shorter now and have only one POV sorry! Please keep reading! I will try to update more often though.

Please vote and comment. Thanks! 😊

Hey! I made a Why Don't We fanfic and it would be cool if you could check it out!

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