XII. Nothing Can Take Him Out of my Mind

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Kara's POV

I wake up by the bright light in my face and hide my face. I burrow into the covers hoping that I can shut out reality. I can't fall asleep because I realize the reason I'm hiding from reality and that is worse than any nightmare.

I get ready and head to work. 

"Hey," I awkwardly say to James.

"Hey," he says then rushes away.

The day goes by slowly. Nothing happens except for me being drowned by self pity. I spend most of the day fidgeting and I can't pay attention to anything and it's a relief when I go home. 

Everyone is coming for dinner to celebrate. During the dinner we see a flying object in the sky. J'onn and I go to check it out. We find a Kryptonian pod and someone in it. We take him to the DEO and the festivities are cut short. I'm overjoyed by the fact that someone else from Krypton is here. I almost forget about everything with Barry. Almost. But I can't, nothing can take him out of my mind.

I go home and plop down on my couch with some popcorn. I turn on the news but can't focus. I can't help but think of him all the time now.

How is he doing? Is he like me? Does he think about me? Is he with Iris? Is he happy? Why can't I forget about him? 

Two updates in less than an hour! Woo! Okay let's make it three! The next one will be EXTREMELY short though. It is just a sweet kind of thing.

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