XXVII. We Can't Just Leave Them There!

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The last few weeks have been too good to be true. Mon-el can make me smile more often than not. I've been happy and nothing could ever ruin this feeling.

"There is a Daxamite ship with Lena and Mon-el! We have to go save them!" I exclaim.

"No! We have orders to not engage with them," Hank says firmly.

"From whom?" Alex asks.

"The President." He replies. "In fact, we have to destroy their ship."

"But there still on it!" I refute.

"We have strict orders."

"We can't just leave them there!" Alex shouts.

"Alex, you have been assigned to get to the laser to destroy the Daxamite ship," Hank says.

We decide to come up with a plan so we can save them both and destroy the ship at the same time. Alex and Maggie will infiltrate the area with the bomb while we use Cadmus' help to get them out of there. This is a time for uneasy alliances and quick actions.

Epilogues will be the next thing. Just watch the episode if you want to know how this ends because I just wrote it from the episode using different dialogues and stuff.

There will be an epilogue for Barry and an epilogue for Kara. If you haven't finished the season with Savitar, there will be spoilers and there will be spoilers for the Daxamite season ending too.

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