VIII. Love is Like Surfing

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Hey guys! I'm not keeping up with my faster updates thing. Sorry! I am updating my other stories. Check them out if you can! And one song will be the theme for two chapters now! One in Barry's POV and the other in Kara's. This will have some Cat Grant wisdom.



Kara's POV

Barry. The first waking thought in my mind. It fills me with a sense of happiness until I remember that he left.

"You knew this was gonna happen Kara! Why did you fall so hard, so fast?" I scolded myself.

I get ready to go to CatCo.

"Hello Ms. Grant!" I say as I hand her coffee.

"Hello Keera. Staff meeting in 1 minute!" She shouts.

As we file into her room, she shouts, "This staff meeting started ten minutes ago!"

We discuss what the next headline will be and we all leave.

"Hey Kara. Do you maybe want to go out?" James shyly asks.

I think about saying yes but then my heart shouts at me "You're with Barry! James took too long to notice you! He doesn't deserve your love, Barry does!"

"Sorry," I say.

"No it's fine. It was silly of me in the first place," James says, walking off.

"James!" I shout after him, but he doesn't hear me.

"Keera!" I hear.

"Yes Ms. Grant!" I say, walking into her room.

"Go get me the cover for the next issue!" She says.

"Yes Ms. Grant," I answer.

"What is it Keera?" She asks.

"Nothing!" I ask, putting a fake smile on my face.

"I know it's not nothing," She says.

"Okay. There was this guy that I really liked, I was able to call him my boyfriend even!" I say.

"You got a boyfriend?" She asks.

"Yeah. Only my sister knew." I answer. "I really liked this guy, but he had to go away. The one time that I thought that I had true love! I thought I could finally have a normal love life, but he had to leave!" I burst into tears after this.

"Was this the Barry person?" She asks.

"Yeah. He wasn't my cousin though," I say, wiping away my tears.

"Well, from my knowledge, love is like surfing. It is an adventure. It can be dangerous and you can get hurt but you still climb on. You may not get it the first time, but you cling on for dear life. You fight and you stay on! What do you get? You get the thrill of the ride! Sure, you will get hurt, you will get knocked down, but the thrill keeps you going."

"Thank you Ms. Grant," I say, slightly surprised that she helped me.

"When do you know that you are on calm seas and you can let go, but not fall off? When the other is as miserable as you. And that can only happen on one condition: they love you. If this Barry person doesn't forget you, if he misses you as much as you miss him, you can let go. Let go Kara. You might not find the benefits if you don't."

I nod my head and go out.

Hope you liked the chapter! Remember vote and comment! I want feedback! I tried to write like Cat, I think I did pretty well, considering my minimal knowledge on love. But hey, there is only one Cat Grant.

Have a good day! FANGIRL OUT! ✌️

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