XIX. Daxamite Scum

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Today the unknown being from the Kryptonian pod woke up. He wreaked havoc and ran away. He seems to have run somewhere to send out a signal. His name is Mon-el and he's a Daxamite. But Daxam was destroyed because of Krypton's explosion. We bring him in to a cell. 

I go in to talk to the Daxamite. I act hostile and he doesn't appreciate it.

"You know I would rather talk to someone who doesn't have their mind made up on me," he says.

I walk out and mutter under my breath, "Daxamite scum."

I'm venting out all of my frustrations about Barry onto Mon-el. I know it isn't fair but I still do it, I need some way to cope and this is it. I go back home and do what I do every day now. I eat ice cream, watch tv, and cry myself to sleep. I didn't think that I would ever reach soup he a low time in my life but I have.

Sorry for such a short and bad chapter 😬. I've just been paying most attention to my other fanfic bc it has A LOT more popularity and I've been experiencing some writer's block with this. Sorry Superflash shippers, it doesn't seem like Superflash will happen does it? 

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