Chapter 7

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When Zoe woke up the next morning, she had this good kinda feeling. That feeling you get when you think something's great gonna happen. 

She rubbed her eyes and noticed she wasn't alone. Four pairs of eyes were on her. She immediately recognized them though. Tine, Jenn, Johanna and Yasmine were sitting on the couch, watching her. 

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked her friends, followed by a yawn. 

"Jenn let us in." Tine stated shortly. 

"Get up, lazy bones! We're going to the beach!" Johanna shouted out. She was excited. 

"Wait, what?" Zoe asked, clearly not very awake yet. 

"We're going to the beach. Get ready!" Jenn grabbed Zoe's hand and pulled her from the couch. Zoe went upstairs and got in a pair of jean shorts and a band shirt. She stuffed some things in her bag and went downstairs. She quickly grabbed something to eat and to drink before walking out with her friends. 

They got onto the train and sat down in the first empty booth they found. 

"Remember that guy from the party with his blonde hair?" Tine started. 

"Yeah." everyone else nodded. 

"He came up to me yesterday saying it was our fault. He said he never wanted to see us again at their parties." Zoe felt her heart sink. She knew Tine didn't like it and she wanted to tell them today. 

"I hate those guys." She mumbled. 

Zoe and Jenn looked at each other, begging for help. 

An hour later, they arrived at the station. They got off the train and walked out of the station. People were running to get to their trains in time, others were ordering food. Zoe still had that weird feeling in her stomach. She wanted to tell her friends, but she couldn't. They hated them so much. 

After a while of walking through the crowded streets, they finally arrived at the beach. The weather was beautiful. The sun was out and there was no cloud to see. The seagulls were squeaking as they flew around their heads. All five of them stopped before their feet could touch the burning sand. 

"This is great." Tine stated. 

Zoe drew in a deep breath. This was going to be great. Getting away from the responsibilities at home and just being able to do weird stuff with friends. To get away from Calum for a day. 

They stepped onto the sand and walked for a little while. They had taken their shoes of, making the sand go in between their toes. Zoe liked this. A lot. She loved the sea so much. 

After an hour of walking, they sat down on the sand. They were surrounded by a couple other teenagers talking and even swimming in the sea. 

"Let's play a game." Han started. 

"What game?" Jenn asked. 


The other girls approved. This was gonna get nasty. 

"I'll go first." Tine said. "Yas. Stephen; the nerd from science class, Troye; the cute gay boy or the blonde one from the party?" This was gonna get awkward. Yasmine had a thing for blonde guys. 

"Bang Stephen because I'd bang the nerd out of him, marry Troye. I'd turn him straight first or just marry him in his gay-state and kill the other kid probably." Zoe gasped. 

"You'd kill a blonde guy?" 

"Yeah... But..." 

"No buts, move on!!" Jenn shouted excitedly. 

Good girls are bad girls, right? |A Calum Hood fanficWhere stories live. Discover now