Chapter 8

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The morning after the party, Zoe was feeling great. Better than ever. She woke up at 9am, which she never does and got completely dressed. She was going out to the swimming pool with Jenn and she was more than excited. She had been working out a lot so she would be able to wear a bikini without feeling insecure about her body. 

She had put her bikini underneath her jump suit so she could easily jump into the pool whenever she wanted. She grabbed her bag and put everything she needed in it. When she was done, she went downstairs and ate breakfast. All she needed was an apple and she was good to go. 

When she arrived at Jenn's house, she rang the doorbell. Jenn's twin sister, Katelynn opened. 

"Oh hi, Zoe! Come in! Jenn's in her room." She pointed at the stairs as Zoe stepped in. 

"Okay, thanks Kate!" Zoe ran up the stairs and knocked on Jenn's bedroom door. 

"Come in!" 

Zoe opened the door. Jenn was putting some stuff in her bag. She looked fab! She wore jean shorts and just her bikini top.

"Hey Zo!" She shouted and hugged her friend.

"Are you ready for it?" Zoe wiggled her eyebrows.

They went swimming during summer often. Just the two of them. They could talk about everything and anything and it would stay between them. No one else would know about what they talked. No one would even know they'd go to the pool.

The pool was somewhere in the back of the park, but they loved to go there.

When Jenn was ready and threw on a tank top, they said goodbye to Kate and Jenn's parents and left the house.

"So how's your head? It seems pretty bad." She asked a bit worried, referring to Zoe's wound on her temple.

"Oh no, it's fine. Doesn't hurt that much."

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" She tried. Zoe has told her about Sophia and the bullying, but she never told her why Sophia bullied her.

"I told you Sophia pushed me and I fell."

We turned around the corner. At the end of that street was the park, so we had a long way to go since the pool was in the back and there wasn't another entrance. Stupid parks, stupid entrances.

"Why were you all alone out there?"  

"At first I wasn't. Yasmine was with me, but then she went inside. I wanted to stay out so I could call Calum, then Sophia came." Zoe explained. 

"Did Calum come out to save you then?" Jenn wanted to know. She had a big smile on her face. 

"Yeah... he did."  Now Zoe had a big smile plastered on her face. Her cheeks even went a bit red. 

Both of them walked into the park. Now they only had to reach the pool by passing lots of parents with small kids, playing around and screaming. 

"How are things between you and Ashton?" Zoe suddenly asked as they almost ran over a kid. 

"Oh great, really. I think... We talked last night in the toilets..."



"Are you sure?"


Zoe laughed. She knew they didn't just talk. 

"Are you going out on a date soon?" 

"Yes, this friday." 

"What are you going to do?" 

Good girls are bad girls, right? |A Calum Hood fanficWhere stories live. Discover now