Chapter 10

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Zoe and Calum decided they would do something the next night. There was a party at some kid's house that night, so they had to be there. Calum's friends would be there, but also Zoe's friends which meant they needed to escape from the party. The girls got ready together and went to the house together, but once there they split up. Jenn went secretly to the bathroom with Ashton while Yasmine and Johanna went to some other guys and Tine went upstairs with some other people to do drugs. Zoe saw Calum. He had that big, evil smile on his face.

"What are the plans for tonight?" He asked.

Zoe looked around. The hot summer air blew through her hair.

"Can you drive a car?"

"Yeah, I had a couple of--"

"Great." Zoe cut him off and grabbed his hand. She dragged him towards a car. The doors were still open. Calum frowned.

"Why's the car open?" He asked as they got closer. Moans and groans were audible from the bushes behind them.

"Does that answer your question?" Zoe raised an eyebrow and hopped in the car. Calum got in as well and started the car. They drove off to god-knows-where.

"Where do you wanna go?" Calum asked Zoe without looking at her. She rested her head against the window and looked at the passing houses. She shrugged.

"Just somewhere." Calum nodded.

He stopped the car an hour later. Zoe looked around and smiled. She had no idea where they were, but got out anyway. Calum did the same. They were in a deserted place. In the middle of nowhere, just like Zoe wanted it to be.

"What's happening next?" Calum asked as he wrapped his arms around Zoe's waist.

"This." She whispered whilst turning around and attacking his lips, just like last night. Without a doubt, Calum picked her up and put her on the front of the car without breaking the kiss. Zoe swung her hair over one shoulder as Calum deepened the kiss. Their tongues were fighting for dominance once again. Zoe felt her stomach swirl and it felt as if she was on a pink cloud.

Zoe pulled back and looked in his eyes. They were full lust and love. She kinda liked it. He smiled and the skin by his eyes crinkled up. It was cute and made Zoe melt like ice cream in the sun. She smiled back at him, her dimples showing. He poked one dimple, making Zoe giggle.

"You're so stupid." She stated and hit him on his chest playfully.

"I know, but you like it."

Zoe rolled her eyes and got out of his grip. She jumped in the back of the truck and looked up to the sky. The stars were shining bright and the sky was so clear. She loved nights like this. Calum had jumped on as well. Zoe closed her eyes.

"Do you think there's anyone watching back?" Calum asked.

Zoe opened her eyes again and looked at him for a second. He was looking up. The moonlight made his eyes look even prettier. Zoe smiled and looked up again.

"Yeah, I actually do think there's anyone watching back." She took a deep breath. "I think my parents and Joe are watching me."

"What are they saying?" Calum asked.

"They're proud and dissapointed at the same time." Zoe aswered and wrapped her arms around herself. She took another deep breath.

"How come?"

"They're proud of my grades, but they're dissapointed at what I'm doing to Elise and uncle Cedric." She explained as a tear slipped from her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

Good girls are bad girls, right? |A Calum Hood fanficWhere stories live. Discover now