Chapter 25

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Another month had passed and everyone had been suporting and helping Zoe getting her memory back. She could leave the hospital a week after she got there. Cedric made Elise leave so Zoe could go home safely. They'll get divorced when all of the papers are ready. Zoe also started dancing again. She called Stephanie, her ex-dance teacher to give her some lessons. Steph accepted it gladly. They had been dancing for the past two weeks already and Zoe still had it. Just like gran told her. Steph had set up a performance at the small summer festival in tow. Zoe, Jenn and a couple other friends were going to perform in front of all these people from their neighbourhood. She was nervous about it, but knew it would be alright. Calum told her.  

Her friends have been telling her all the stories she needed to hear. Jenn told her about the times they've watched Frozen. She told about the times they went to the park and just sat there, talking. Johanna told her about the time they were playing tennis during gym and a group of guys walked by, yelling to Zoe how hot she looked. Yasmine told the story from that time they went to the beach together and sat on the beach at midnight, drinking and talking. Tine told her about the times they had gone out and been drunk together, which was a lot. Calum told her their story over and over again from beginning to start. She couldn't get enough of it and she even remembered a couple of things. The other boys told her when she went to their small concert the first time they hung out together. 

Zoe loved each and every story and started to remember bits and pieces of it. She watched her mom's videos and read her letters again. She had been crying over them a lot, not remembering anything from the past. Maybe that was a good thing.

It was a Monday and Calum stayed with Zoe for the night. Cedric was okay with the two dating, as long as they kept the noise down for Robin. When they were at Zoe's, they never did anything but cuddling and kissing, so Cedric didn't have to worry about the noise. They haven't had sex since she got back from the hospital, but Calum didn't really mind. He would wait until she was ready for it.

The couple was lying in bed, cuddled up and talking. That's the way they had been spending every morning since Zoe was back. Calum just loved to have her in his arms again.

"What are we going to do today?" Calum asked and kissed her temple. 

"It's the summer festival-thingy today, so I want to rehearse for the performance." She mumbled a response. Calum hummed as he stroke her arm softly. 

"Can I watch?" He asked. Zoe could hear the smile in his voice. He sounded so happy and hopeful. He had never seen her dance, exept for her mom's video where a small Zoe was showing her moves at the ballet performance. He remembered her in her pink tutu. She looked so adorable. 

"Sure, I think Ashton will be there too." 

"Good, I needed to ask him something as well." Zoe looked up at him, rather confused. 

"You couldn't call him or ask him yesterday?" Calum had a smile on his face. 

"I just thought about it last night before we fell asleep." He told her. 

"What is it?" Zoe wanted to know. Noisy little girl. 

"A surprise." He mumbled, causing Zoe to groan and pout. Calum giggled and pressed a kiss onto her hair. 

"You'll figure it out soon enough, baby boo." He told her. 

That's when someone knocked on the door and pushed open the door. A small six year old waddled in. He had an apron covering his clothes and a spoon in his tiny hand. His face, arms and apron was covered in flour. 

"I made pancakes! I made pancakes!" The little one shouted happily. 

"You didn't burn them?" Zoe asked, sitting up and taking Robin on her lap. 

Good girls are bad girls, right? |A Calum Hood fanficWhere stories live. Discover now