Chapter 9

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Zoe woke up the next morning on top of Calum. Fully clothed, don't worry. She felt him stir underneath her, so she looked up to his sleeping face. His eyes were shut and his lips were lightly parted. She smiled. Never had she seen such a beautiful person. She felt this weird tingling kind of feeling in her stomach. Was that the feeling people talked about all the time when they fell in love? The tingles in the stomach and jumping heart?  She couldn't do this, love kills. That's what she was thought over the years. Love kills. She didn't feel like this when she was with Stan. That was a big mistake and Yasmine was correct. She didn't love him. She just jumped onto conclusions.

Calum stirred again and sighed deeply.

"Good morning, beautiful." His voice sounded thick and husky, sending shivers down Zoe's spine. She liked his morning voice a lot.

"Morning." She said as she propped her elbows up on each side of his torso and rested her head on the palms of her hands.

"Slept well?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah." She answered.

"You had a great spot to sleep though." He stated.

Zoe couldn't help but drown in his dark brown eyes.

"Yeah." She repeated, making Calum chuckle.

He placed his hands on her bum and looked in her eyes. Zoe didn't move. She didn't mind where he placed his hands.

"Let's go make some breakfast." He mumbled.

Zoe nodded and got off of him. Calum got up as well and followed her into the kitchen. He made her a delicious breakfast and they chatted until they finished up.

"Do I need to help with the dishes?" Zoe asked politely.

"Oh, no. My sister will do it tonight." Calum stated.

Zoe laughed.

"I'm very happy you told me about your brother last night. It was nice to talk to him."

"You're the first one who ever talked to him, really." Zoe told him.

He smiled weakly. She really did stop talking to people about personal stuff since she moved to Sydney. He was proud of her to tell him, though. It wasn't very easy to talk about.

"Do you go there often?" He asked.

"No, not that much. Once a month, maybe." She answered.

"You should go more often then."


"I'll go with you, if you want?"

"That would be nice." Zoe nodded as she helped to clear the table.

The doorbell rang and both of them jumped in fear. Who would that be? Calum looked through the small window of the door. He cursed by himself.

"It's Luke."

"Fuck. I need to get out of here."

"Go through the backdoor and around the house. I'll let Luke in when you're on the side of the house. He won't see you."

Zoe agreed and put on her shoes. She took her bag and walked towards the backdoor. Calum looked at her with sad eyes. He hated to keep it a secret. But there wasn't another way. Luke hated her, all because of those stupid labels and stupid rumours. Zoe looked at Calum and walked back at him. Before he could say anything, she smashed her lips onto his. Calum startled, but kissed back almost immediately. The taste of her cherry lips came as a surprise, but he liked it. She wanted to feel his lips more often, but she knew she had to go.

Good girls are bad girls, right? |A Calum Hood fanficWhere stories live. Discover now