Earth Shattering

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Hi! This is my first ever fanfic. I'm not a writer so if there are any typos I want to apologize in advance. If you like it then please comment away, show me some love, tell me if you want me to update. If you want I definitely will try to update as soon as possible. Hope you love it! [All characters are inspired by The 100, Jason Rothenberg and Kass Morgan]


Could this be them? But how? My blood went cold and chills went down my spine. A hundred different scenarios crossed my mind. Maybe they survived. Maybe they found a different way to get to Earth. Maybe they were hurt. Maybe these people had nothing to do with them.

I took my rifle looking through the scope trying to find answers to my questions. "Eligius Corporation" the name sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It wasn't a part of the Ark, I knew all the parts of the Ark.

"Eligius Corporation" I repeated to myself, my mind was racing. The ship also read "Gagarin Prisoner Transport." I could feel all the blood rush to my face as the ship began to land, gently landing on a patch of dirt near the bottom of the cliff. Although this ship wasn't a part of the Ark I still felt a strong sense of hope that somehow it would be them. My family. Raven, Monty, Harper, Murphy, even Emori and Echo. But most importantly Bellamy. I spent every day for the past 6 years talking to him, whether he could hear me or not.

Although I had Madi to keep me company I still relied on him to keep me sane. I never had the chance to tell him how I felt and to this day I still regret it. I told Madi stories about everyone almost every day, it was her favorite thing to do. But her favorite stories were the ones that included Bellamy. I missed him and our witty banter. I could almost hear him calling my name with his deep, rugged voice sometimes. I could still see every freckle on his beautiful face, his round brown eyes, his perfectly sculpted face.

The ship was quiet. As much as I wanted to run down and see if it was Bellamy, it took all of my strength to stop myself. If it was them they would come looking for her anyways, or at least any form of human life. For all they knew everyone here was dead.

Eligius Corporation I repeated to myself. Over and over again. I had repeated it so many times it stopped meaning anything. I began to reminisce every detail about our survival on Earth. Our first interaction with the grounders, our first encounter with the mountain men, but nothing stuck. A chill went down my spine. I got it. Becca Pramheda. Eligius Incorporation. It was a part of the ship that Becca used when she was up in space to create nightblood, to get away from Allie, to try to prevent the cataclysm. They could have been alive all this time. I mean they were scientists after all.

My train of thought is broken when I hear movement from the ship. The doors slowly open letting out a loud thud as it hit the floor. I exhaled a deep breath, I hadn't even noticed I was holding it. I relaxed my body, slowly releasing my gun. My fingertips were bruising from how hard I had held it.

I see dark figures walk out of the ship, faces covered with brown cloth bags, hands bound by rope. As soon as they stepped down onto the ground the doors to the ship closed immediately behind them. Could this be it? Could this be them? My heart ached as I watched the figures stand out in front of the ship.


I felt a push from behind and then a sudden burst of cool air wrapping around my body. Chills overcame me, I felt the fresh air, the sun hitting me. I couldn't see anything but I imagined the beautiful greenery. I could smell the sweet smell of Earth; slightly different than the last time I had been here. It felt like the weight was taken off my shoulders.

"GUYS. ARE YOU HERE? ARE WE WHERE I THINK WE ARE?" Raven shouted from a few feet over. Her voice was filled with excitement.

"Yes...yes. I'm with you Raven. Can any of you see or are you all covered with bags too?" replied Monty.

"I guess it's just another day on Earth." Murphy said sarcastically.

What was the point of sending us out if we can't see anything, we can't do anything. What did these people want? Why did they send us out after keeping us as prisoners for so long?

"Okay guys I have a plan," Raven called out. "If we stand back to back we can open each other's hands. Now hurry someone get behind me so we can get the hell out of here."

Without any hesitation, I slid up against Raven's back quickly fiddling my fingers trying to free her wrists as she tried to free mine Our captors must have wanted us to break free if they tied us with rope, rather than cuffing us with handcuffs but right now I could care less. We needed to get out of here and find my sister.

A few seconds and I'm free, I quickly rip off the bag wrapped around my head. My eyes burned, I had forgotten how bright the sun was. I squinted for a few seconds as my eyes adjusted to the light before completely grasping my surroundings. It was beautiful. Just how I remembered. I'd spent the last 6 years dreaming of what it would feel like to be back.

I turned to untie the others. The quicker we were free the quicker we could get away and find everyone else.

Scanning our surroundings, I began looking for evidence of life. We were near a river surrounded by trees and rocks. Suddenly my heart dropped to the ground. Adrenaline pumping through my veins. I dropped to my knees as I saw a flash of gold at the top of a cliff. Tears welled up in my eyes. The most beautiful and captivating thing in the world.

Clarke. Standing at the top of the cliff gripping her gun. Tears flooding her beautiful round face. She looked relieved, scared, happy all at once. I knew she was alive from her daily radio entries, but seeing her right now feels unreal. I feel like I'm home again.

"THANK GOD" I hear Raven yell as she moved closer to me, resting her hand on my shoulder. "GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE AND HELP US." Her voice was shaking. She was crying, quickly wiping away her tears as she looked at me. "Clarke saves the day again." She was laughing, tears still falling down her face.

"I think it's best if we make a run for it now before those people come out and lock us up again" I said calmly trying to cover the lump in my throat from seeing Clarke.

"Good idea Bellamy, let's go" Monty replied.

We set off running with every ounce of strength through the forest. We had to hurry, we had to get to Clarke. I had to see her. My legs were sore, it had been a while since I had to run such a long distance. We trained on the Ark, but definitely not enough to bounce back immediately.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Murphy was breathless, clearly out of shape. Unlike the rest of us Murphy spent his time on the Ark sitting back and relaxing. I don't blame him though, if Clarke was on the Ark with us all I would want to do is spend time with her.

"Who cares? Keep running." Raven was limping behind us, but we made sure to keep a steady pace so she wouldn't fall behind.

My heart is pounding. The blood pounding against my ears leaving me incapable to hear anything else. My legs are sore. The only thing keeping me going is the chance that we'll get to Clarke sooner.


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