Strength in Numbers

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I woke up in a large white room. A bright light placed right above me, burning into my eyes. I tried to move, but I was tied down. My body was in a pain that echoed throughout me. I couldn't see my injuries but I could feel them.

The restraints dug deep into my skin as I tried to pull away. But soon I relaxed if I wanted Clarke and everyone else to be okay I had to be here. I had to bear the burden so they didn't have to. I took a deep breath trying to distract myself from the pain coursing through my body.

A loud creek fills the room as a door opens. I can't see anything, but I can feel someone looking at me. A woman in a hazmat suit stood above me. She looked about the same age as Clarke. Dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes. She looked like a porcelain doll. Her eyes focused on me. She stood there staring at me.

I tilted my head to one side as I took in the look in her eyes. Concern? "What do you want from me?"

She slowly moved her gloved hand to my cheek. She caressed my face. "I want your leader. I want to know what you know. I want to know how you survived."

My heart began to beat harder and faster. She wanted Clarke. "I am our leader." I kept my face firm, strong. Hoping she wouldn't find the lack of confidence in my voice. "If that's all you wanted, why did you keep us as your prisoners? Why did you try to kidnap one of us? Why did you attack us?"

She let it all sink in. I could see her face filled with curiosity. Her brows furrowed as she continued to scan my face. "We kept you as prisoners so we could test if Earth was survivable by sending you out first. We monitored you all close to see if you faced any radiation poisoning. You seem to be perfectly fine. We needed to take you so we could test if you had any components in your blood that we didn't." Her eyes were wide. They were hungry. I felt chills go down my spine, she made me feel uncomfortable.

The door opened once again. The woman standing above me jumped as footsteps made their way towards us. The woman stiffened as a man stood next to her. He was older. His hair a mix of gray and black. He looked a lot like the woman, but much older. He stood there grinning down at me.

"Set up the tray, if we want to get anything out of him we're going to need him alive." His voice was dark. I lay there helpless, incapable of defending myself. But I had to get through this for my people, for Clarke.

I spent the next few hours slipping in and out of consciousness as they worked to fix my injuries. Some injuries were worse than others. I felt every move they made. They cut into my stomach trying to repair my internal injuries.

I woke up again when I heard them yelling. "THERE'S A BLEEDER. FIND IT," yelled the woman.

The man frantically stuck his fingers inside my stomach digging through my insides. "I CAN'T FIND IT." His eyes filled with fear. I was vital to their survival, they needed me. "I found it, apply pressure and suction while I stitch it up," he breathed a sigh of relief.

A loud vacuum like noise filled the room as the woman gained control of my bleeding. After the stitches held in tight, they continued to close me up. Both of their faces were filled with relief.

They whipped off their gloves before ripping off their blood covered surgical gowns and their face masks. The woman rushed to wash her hands before she sat up beside me.

She laid her hand on my chest. "We almost lost you, but everything should be fine now. Get some rest, for now, we'll come back to check on you later." She gave me a smile before walking away.

I was left alone lying on my bed still bound against the bed. I missed Clarke. It should have been her patching me up. She should have been her patching me up. Getting mad at me for putting myself in such a dangerous situation. Then sitting next to me until I fell asleep, playing with my hair. She would have checked up on me every hour to make sure I wasn't infected, to change my dressings. I needed her. I slowly fell asleep as the pain took over my body.

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