Trojan Horse

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I took a bite out of the bread. My mouth watered from the burst of flavor sending a wave down my jaw. I had been so stressed these past few days because of Clarke that I hadn't noticed I hadn't eaten much. It was a relief to know she was okay, that she could get better.

The door slammed open, Jackson rushed through scanning the room quickly. There was a worried look on his face, he almost looked scared. He shook the look away, standing tall in front of the doorway. He folded his arms in front of him staring at around the room. "Everyone's gotten back to work, so should all of you." He nodded towards the door, his arms crossed. "Emori I need your help with managing the medical inventory." Emori pressed a kiss to Murphy's cheek before standing up and making her way towards the door. "Echo, Kane and Indra need your help with training." Echo stood up making her way towards the door, but turning once to look back at Bellamy as she left. It's been hard for her since she came down. Especially with everything between Bellamy and Clarke, she's been distant from everyone. I don't blame her though. Jackson turned towards me, the fear back in his eyes. "Raven, they need you upstairs to check the systems. Security is down in the prison cells."

I felt all the blood leave my body as I jumped up pushing past him and out of the door. As I began running up the stairs towards the control room I could hear Monty close behind me. "I'll reboot the system, you check the prison block cameras." Monty placed a hand in the small of my back pushing me through the door of the control room in silence.

I nearly fell into the stool beside the control panel instantly punching in the system codes. Once I was into the system I saw a glitch. It looked like someone had accessed the database from an outside source. I tried to fight against the firewall, but it was strong. The systems were remotely accessed from somewhere within the ship.

A gasp slipped from Monty's lips, his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. "They're loose in the prison block." A wrinkle formed between his eyebrows, his jaw clenched tightly. "The cell gates all are open, but the doors are sealed."

I scanned the chaos unfolding on the screens displayed in front of Monty. Some prisoners were breaking down the cells and making weapons of the pieces, some were yelling and screaming, and some were crying in the corners of the prison block. Right outside both doors stood a large group of armed guards.

"Someone remotely accessed the control system. They added firewalls, it'll take some time to get through to break down this glitch." Monty leaned down against the panel trying to break through the system. When he realized he couldn't get through he slammed his fist into the table. "Radio everyone, we need to get this under control before it's too late." He nodded, picking up the radio and turning towards the door but before he was out of reach I grabbed his wrist pulling him back. "And don't let Bellamy, Clarke, or Octavia find out." He looked at me a questionable look on his face. "They need the rest and we don't need them getting hurt anymore. Send guards up to guard them. I want people inside and outside at all times."

Monty nodded making his way out in silence. As he left I felt the weight of the world fall back onto my shoulders. Pressing the palms of my hands against the cold metal of the control panel I hung my head low, trying to get a grip of reality. What would Clarke do? What would Bellamy do? Hell, what would Octavia do? Octavia would prepare the guard to sweep the prison deck, but that could be dangerous. The prisoners are now armed, and I don't want to put our people through any more than they'd already been through. Bellamy would guard all possible exits and prepare for an escape, with a full surveillance of the prison deck. Clarke. I don't know what Clarke would do.

This isn't on me. I'm not in charge, but I can help. I sat back down and started logging the keystrokes that had been used remotely. I'm not going to let these people get away with this. If there was anyone who could out-hack a hacker, it's me. This firewall has to have some source of vulnerability. The door burst open, Madi came running in. Kane walked in close behind her.

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