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The feeling of the cool air wrapping my face into a tight embrace, the smell of pine filling the air, and the feeling of the warm sun tingling against my skin as I stepped out of the ship would never get old. The feeling of being back on Earth was priceless. It had been getting colder in the mornings lately, by noon the sun always found its prime. The evergreen trees surrounding our camp were lightly shedding leaves, just enough to give an idea of how long there was until winter. Judging by the increase in the moisture filling the air we'd only have three months. That's three months to get enough cabins made for over 1100 people. Three months to get enough food to last us through the entire winter. Three months to get everything together. I ran my fingers through my hair letting out a deep sigh. The weight of the world had fallen back on our shoulders.

Footsteps echoed through the ship walls, slowly making their way closer. "I've got trainees up there getting your stuff for your new cabin. They should be done with that within the hour," Miller announced as he made his way by my side. As much as I wanted to sit back in my new cabin with Clarke, I knew there were too many people relying on me to get things done. Especially Octavia. "What's wrong?"

"We have about three months to get everything together, but all we have so far is one cabin and only enough food to last us three weeks." I could see the hesitation on his face as he pressed his lips together, a wrinkle forming on his forehead. "This isn't enough."

"Maybe that's because we're wasting time trying to train new guards when we should be focusing on getting our living situation settled and getting enough food to last." Azuma stepped on the other side of Miller. He stood with courage beside Miller, his head held high and his shoulders.

"Octavia is the commander. Doesn't she need to make the decision?" Miller shifted his weight from one foot the other, a nervous tick he'd been dealing with since we'd been on the ground.

"Let me handle Octavia." Azuma scanned the area. There was a sea of people all lost in their work, busy with the task at hand. That's what we'd settle in, an endless cycle of work. But it was different now. We were different now. "Miller. Get Kane, Indra, Echo, and Harper to stop guard training. Construction labor will double, and it'll increase the number of cabins made." Miller nodded heading on towards the guard trainees.

"I'll get things settled with the greenhouse. We can't have our entire diet rely solely on meat. Monty said he'd gotten some seeds together to grow food. I'll see if I can get Raven to help while Monty's out." Azuma nodded once more before making his way towards a group of kids practicing their hunting techniques.

I made it halfway towards the greenhouse when I realized that something was missing. A part of me was missing. I scanned the camp. Miller, Murphy, Kane, Indra, Harper, Echo. Everyone was there except for Madi. I grabbed Murphy by his arm pulling him away from the group of kids working on some trees around him. "Where the hell is Madi?"

His eyes widened, panic hitting him like a wave of radiation. Frantically he turned around, his head spinning as he scanned the area. "I thought she was with you." His voice was shaking, all the muscles in his face tightening as he continued looking around camp.

"She went inside to get something a few minutes ago." A tall, skinny boy with tan skin and brown eyes stood up as he helped another boy set down a tree "She told me in case anyone asked." There was a fear in his voice, an obedient look on his face. This was one of Luke's friends.

I stepped in front of him, folding my arms in front of me, carefully watching him. He didn't move, even as I stepped chest to chest in front of him. "Why would she tell you?" He took a step back, the fear in his voice translating to his face. "Murphy was here, so why didn't she tell him?"

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