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I sat in front of the control panel watching the chaos continue in the prison block. They were yelling, screaming, throwing things, trying to break down the doors. Everyone was all set and ready to go, we just needed Monty to come down with the knock out gas. I kept my eyes on Bishop standing in the middle of the chaos, his arms folded in front of his chest. His face was plastered with a sinister smile, his eyes focused on the camera. It was almost like he knew I was watching.

The door burst open, Monty rushing in with a few cans of the gas. "I've got everything ready, who's going to drop it from the ceiling vents?" He walked towards a closet, pulling out a backpack. He carefully began to place the cans into the backpack.

I cleared my throat making my way beside him. "I am." He instantly his eyes focused on me.

"You're not doing this alone. I won't let you." He continued packing the backpack and throwing it over his shoulder. He picked up a gun placing it into his other pocket. "I'm going with you."

"I can do this." I stretched my hand out, gesturing towards the backpack. Monty stared at me, wide-eyed. His jaw clenched as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Placing his hand in mine, he gave it a soft squeeze. "I know you can, but you shouldn't have to." He pulled me into his side, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "We can do this together."

I leaned my head against his shoulder, returning his kind gesture. "Together." Monty was always quieter, usually kept to himself. He wasn't like everyone else, he was usually detached. But he just had a different way of showing he cared, he wasn't like everyone else and that's what made him special. His silence was always comforting. Clarke always told me he was naturally a comforting person, one to just make you feel better with his presence.

Monty released our embrace quickly picking up a map and a flashlight, heading towards the door. Outside Murphy and Emori stood on either side of the door, their heads quickly turning towards us. Emori was holding onto a long, sharpened sword. Murphy had a rifle wrapped around his chest and a pistol tucked into his side.

"Murphy found the entrance to the prison block vents. You and I will go through there while he gives us directions." Murphy nodded before heading down the hallway. Emori pulled some masks out handing one to Monty and one to me. "When we get there, we need to throw as many of those cans down in the prison block as we can. Make sure to spread them out in different directions, we need to affect as many people with each can as possible."

"There's a vent on either side of the prison block. What if you attack from one side and I attack from the other?" He looked over at me, contemplating the idea. "That way they won't know which side to attack first, assuming they do attack."

Murphy stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning towards me. His eyes filled with anger and frustration. "No. You can't go on separate sides. What if they do attack? We can't take that risk." He looked back and forth from Monty's face to mine. He ran his hand through his hair, balling his hands into fists. "We can't risk it for either of you."

Emori walked up behind him placing her hands around his waist, his muscles immediately relaxing but his eyes were still burning. "John, it's okay. I'll go with her." She flashed me a smile, her hand mindlessly massaging Murphy's shoulder. "I'll keep her safe."

"In case you forgot Madi is a badass, she can take care of herself." Miller walked towards us, a large smirk on his face as he looked around at everyone. "But we won't let you do this alone. I'm going in there too."

"Then who's going to stand out on guard?" Monty's eyebrows crinkled together as he took in Miller's appearance. He stood beside Murphy with an extra mask in his hand.

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