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Bellamy and Murphy stood shoulder to shoulder, scowls across both of their faces. If I wanted to earn their respect I'd need to show that I was just as strong as they were, or at least show them I was. I folded my arms in front of me staring back and forth between the two of them. We stood in silence waiting for the other to break. It took every part of me not break eye contact.

There'd always been stories of the delinquents flying around Wonkru. They were legends. Bellamy and Clarke lead the delinquents through the war with the grounders. All the grounders praised them for their fearlessness. Bellamy lead a group of inexperienced delinquents into a full-fledged war with the grounders. Bellamy was ruthless. I even heard once he hung a guy on a tree for kissing his sister. I felt a chill go through my body at the idea. If he did that for his sister, what would he do to me?

Murphy was a survivor. He'd been tortured by the grounders and managed to make it alive. He was the flamekeeper when Ontari was the commander. He was stronger than he looked. I've heard the stories of him being a cold leader amongst the delinquents, keeping them in line while they worked. Miller was Bellamy's righthand man, one of the best members of the guard. He was one of the few surviving delinquents left and the only delinquent besides the commander in the bunker.

Madi came running over grabbing my forearm and pulling me towards the door. Her long dark hair flew behind her hitting me in the face, the smell of cinnamon filling the air. Once we made it out the door she released my arm walking a safe distance beside me.

Madi is strong, she's more than capable of fighting for herself but that's why I liked her. She was different from the rest of the girls. Most of the grounder girls were cold except for the few I had met in the medical wing of the bunker. Some of the girls from Skaikru were nice, but most of them had turned into mini versions of Glass. All that time in the bunker with nothing to do but gossip and braid each other's hair. But Madi is different, she doesn't care what anyone has to say about her.

We made our way down the hallway towards the stairwell in silence. As soon as the door shut behind me I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I leaned back into the door trying to catch my breath. Why was I so nervous? I'd been alone with Madi before, but for some reason, it was different now. I like her, but her family hates me. Bellamy and Murphy were probably coming up with ideas on how to make my life hell. I opened my eyes to see Madi staring at me, her soft plump lips curled into a smile. "You know your dad wants to kill me, right?" She started laughing, rolling her eyes at me. I couldn't hold back the smile growing on her face as I watched her laugh. "Seriously. Bellamy and Murphy stare at me like they want to rip my heart right out of my chest."

She turned back towards the stairs slowly descending down as she mumbled, "Oh please. If they wanted to hurt you, they would make you suffer much more than that." I felt my body jolt back as I watched her continue down the stairs, the blood becoming cold beneath my skin. She looked over her shoulder at me flashing me another smile, a small dimple forming on her cheek. She turned back around her hand carefully placed around the railing. "I'm kidding. They don't want to kill you."

I rolled my eyes watching her skip down the stairs. "They do. I know it." We reached the door leading to the medical wing of the ship. I felt my adrenaline kick in instantly my hand reaching out to grab her wrist before she could open the door. I pulled her around to face me. I could see the shock in her soft green eyes as they ran along the curves of my face.

"They know you're one of my...best friends. They wouldn't hurt you." I felt my stomach knot, I slowly began to release her wrist. I mean of course I consider Madi one of my best friends, but I guess a part of me hoped she'd want something more than that. She wrapped her hand around mine squeezing tightly. I looked back up at her, a soft look in her eyes. "You mean a lot to me. They know that. They're just a little overprotective."

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