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"The meeting is over Alexandra." Nathan leaned against the frame of the doorway to my prison. His arms folded across his chest. I propped myself up on my elbows making eye contact with his deep brown eyes. "You're not cleared to work officially as a doctor, but Octavia said you should still see if there's any inventory work you can help Abby with."

I jumped up out of bed immediately making my way towards him. "Let's get started for our first day then." I pressed the tips of my fingers against his chest pushing him back. His lips curled into a smirk as he stepped back into the hall. I wrapped my hand around his wrist pulling him down the hall. He slowly followed me, pulling his wrist from the palm of my hand.

Once we made our way into the medical bay there was a loud echo of different conversations filling the air. To the left, there was a patient receiving stitches from Clarke, surrounded by a group of people observing her techniques. To the right, there were people rummaging through equipment.

A man made his way towards Nathan placing a soft kiss on his cheek. He wrapped his arm around his waist, turning to look at me. "Welcome, Alexandra. I'm Dr. Jackson. You can work with me and the rest of our apprentices until you're cleared to work on your own." His voice was soft and friendly. His smile was wide.

He stretched his arm out to shake my hand. I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Dr. Jackson. I appreciate the kind hospitality. Where can I start?"

I followed him to a large table in the corner of the room. It was surrounded by people all laughing and deep in conversation. Each to their own, separating and organizing different equipment into different bins. Jackson cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention. "Everyone this is Alexandra. She is one of us now." His tone was harsher now, strong. "Mel is in charge. She'll tell you what to do." He turned on his heels making his way back to the drawers.

A short brunette made her way from the other end of the table, taking a seat beside me. "I'm Mel. So, we're just rummaging through all the materials in these bins." She gestured to some large bins around the room. "All medications go in the blue bins. Any surgical equipment goes into the red bins. Bandages and wraps should be placed in the clear bins."

She made her way back to the table looking through the sorted bins. Nathan stood behind me carefully observing me as I worked through the materials. My eyes occasionally locking onto his.

I also watched Clarke from across the room. I watched her as she wheeled around the room, checking each patient. The way she taught her techniques to the apprentices. The way she held herself. The way she talked to people. She was graceful with everything she did. I can't help but envy her.

"How's the work coming along down here?" I turned to see the beautiful tan Raven leaning against the table beside me.

I shifted in my stool as I stared back up at her. "It's better than staying locked up in my cell." She let out a low chuckle, the vibration from her chest immediately sending a chill through my body. I cleared my throat shifting my eyes back to the task at hand. "How about you?"

She turned around taking a seat closer to me on a stool beside me. "It could be better." Her hands were folded on the table in front of us as she leaned forward. "How do you feel about being a part of Wonkru?"

I shifted my eyes back to her. Her eyes were focused on her fingers fiddling in front of her. "Your people are very accepting. I feel more at home with all of you than I ever did with my own people."

She placed a hand on my shoulder as she stood up. "I'm glad. You're a good person Alexandra." Giving my shoulder a soft squeeze she stepped back. "I just came here to check up on you. I'll see you at lunch, okay?" I nodded watching her as she turned around making her way out of the room.

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