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I woke up to the hum of Madi's snoring. Madi's arms were wrapped around me, her face resting on my shoulder. Clarke's arm was draped over Madi, leaving her hand resting on my stomach. I moved my free arm under my head. This was where I wanted to be, this was how I wanted to wake up every day.

Madi's snoring temporarily stopped as she turned away to face Clarke. Clarke instantly unconsciously wrapped her arm around Madi, cradling her while they both slept. I slowly removed my arm from under Madi, gently laying her head back trying to make sure that she didn't wake up.

Once I slipped out of bed I tried to stretch, the pain in my back shooting throughout my body. I made my way to the door, there was a lot that needed to be done today. I needed to know what happened between Octavia and the woman. Cautiously I opened the door, to my surprise, Monty and Murphy were standing outside my door with two armed guards.

"Shouldn't you be in bed resting?" Murphy stood across the hall leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, his eyebrows raised with curiosity.

I crossed my arms in front of me looking down at him. "I need to talk to my sister. What are you all doing here?"

Monty stepped forward, resting his hand on my shoulder. "We wanted to make sure you guys were okay, we had guards take turns guarding your door. We just wanted to make sure you 3 were okay."

Monty gave me a nod and a half smile. "Thank you. Do you know where my sister is?"

Murphy stepped forward pointing at a room to my left. "She's in the room next door." Murphy took from the other guard, taking over his position. Monty followed suit as they stood in front of mine and Clarke's room. I made my way to Octavia's room, making sure to walk straight to avoid giving away any sign of pain I was feeling.

As soon as I got through the door I found Octavia sitting at a desk in the corner of her room going through blueprints of the ship. "O, so what happened yesterday? What happened when you talked to the woman? What are we doing today? Why are there armed guards outside my room?" I couldn't contain myself, I wanted to know everything. I felt out of place just sleeping while there was so much to do. A part of me felt like they didn't need me anymore.

She looked up at me, her eyes wide. She stood up guiding me to sit down on her bed. "Calm down Bell. Everything is handled. Shouldn't you be in bed resting? You barely just had surgery yesterday!" She was nearly yelling at me. Standing tall in front of me with her hands on her hips. She was glaring down at me, but I didn't let her intimidate me.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, ignoring the pain shooting through me. "I'm fine, I'll go back and get rest after you answer my questions." I glared right back at her.

She mimicked me, crossing her arms in front of her chest, slightly shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "The woman, Alexandra Pope, wanted to make a deal. She says she helped you, she was your doctor. She fought against torturing you. She wants to integrate into Wonkru."

"She was my doctor, she did help me. But I don't know if I trust her. Are you going to let her join us?" Her head tilted from one side to the other, her face tensing even more as she tried to read my face.

Her eyes began to burn with anger. She pushed the anger behind her as she stared at me. "She's still in her cell, I'm going to wait until Clarke is awake so we can decide what we're going to do with her. As for what we're doing today and why there were guards outside your room, well don't worry about it."

"O, I want to help. Please, let me help." Her eyes began to soften, her arms loosened in front of her. My sister had changed, she didn't need me anymore and that hurt me.

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