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How could I let this happen? Why wasn't I more careful? Now we've lost Clarke and I don't know what to do. I made my way towards the security room to meet Raven and Monty Azuma by my side. I felt a little sense of comfort with him by my side, at least I wasn't completely alone. He was always good about coming up with a good plan.

I burst through the door of the security room to find Raven pacing and Monty working on the security. "What do we have so far? What are we doing? Do we have any idea where they went?"

Raven stopped pacing looking up at me, her face tense. She began rubbing her temples. "No, they know this ship inside and out, there's no way of knowing where they could possibly be."

Monty looked up slightly giving me a reassuring nod. "Well, I've shut down any chance of them getting out so as long as we scan every inch of this place I'm sure we'll find them. The security system is working as it should. I just locked everything down so you can't get anywhere unless you have one of these key cards."

Azuma stepped in front of me taking a look at the cards Monty had set on the table. "I'll get our fighters together and I'll distribute the cards to all essential personnel." He turned to me, looking for permission. I gave him a nod, he instantly turned around picking up a few cards. "We'll get him." He squeezed my shoulder before turning to leave.

"Okay. I told Miller, Harper, Murphy, and Bellamy to find out whatever they can from the prisoners they have. I radioed Indra to get our guard grouped together. Kane and Abby are on their way. They just locked down medical bay so they should be here soon." Raven stood there twiddling with her fingers. Deep in thought.

"They've taken out a lot of our main cameras. We need to send people out now." Her eyes met mine, her brows furrowed.

"We need a plan, we can't go in blind. I need to make sure they don't have any weapons first." I knew we had more than equipped fighters, but we couldn't make any hasty decisions. Clarke would never go into a situation like this blind. She would have planned everything out before going in. Going in aware of all the things that could go wrong.

Abby and Kane burst through the door. "What happened?" I exchanged a sad look with Monty and Raven before turning back to Abby. "What? Tell me."

"Bishop. He broke out and took Clarke with him." Abby's eyes fell. She gripped onto Kane's arm trying to remain balanced. "We're going to get her Abby. Trust me."

"What's the plan? How can we help?" Kane asked.

"We're going to sweep the area. Azuma and Indra are getting everything together. We don't have eyes on them because they took out a lot of our cameras. So, we're just going to have to go in after we find out if they are armed or not." I felt a lump grow in my throat. How could I send the guard out to fight if I wasn't there with them?

"Where are they? I'll go with them," Kane shifted his weight from one foot to another as he looked at Abby. She stared off blankly as she stood there, in deep thought.

"No. I need you to go to Bellamy. Make sure he stays where he is." I don't want him to do anything he'll regret. This was my turn to protect him. He needs to let me do this for him.

Kane stepped forward throwing his arms in the air. "Why? Bellamy is one of our best and you know he won't sit still while Clarke is in danger." He put his hands on his hips as he stared down at me. Complete shock across his face. But I knew he was right. Bellamy wasn't going to sit around. If it were Azuma I wouldn't either. I would have Bishop's head.

I began to speak focusing on my tone trying to hide my doubt. "I know, but..."

Kane quickly interrupted me. "Look I know you're trying to protect him because he's your brother but I know he's not going to sit and wait."

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