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I woke up pressed against Bellamy's side, my face buried in the crook of his neck his soft stubble itching against my face. Bellamy had his arm carefully placed underneath my head, his breathing was heavy. I remained in place making sure I don't wake him up, it's clear he was still in pain some of his wounds looked inflamed. If we were living in peace with the grounders how could this happen?

It was odd to think that I had a daughter now, that it had been 6 years since Mount Weather. I had forgotten such a large portion of my life. No one's told me much yet, but that's because everyone's working to get things ready for winter. Where was Finn? Where were Lincoln and Jasper? Where are we? This place doesn't look like anything we had on the Ark. There's actually fully functional machines, medicine, beds. It was nice, but where did this all come from? How did we get all of this? There's a lot of missing dots that needed to be drawn back together.

Bellamy began to stir beneath me, his breathing slowly becoming normal. I shifted my weight away from him, but his arm tightened around me. He began to roll out his neck, pressing his nose into my hair. Once he was completely awake he backed away, pulling his arms out from underneath me. "I'm sorry. I just..."

I awkwardly shifted my body over, the pain shooting throughout my body. "It's okay. I was the one on your side." Bellamy's eyes run along the curves of my face, his eyes narrowed down at me, a dimple forming at the corner of his mouth when he smiled. He felt safe. A part of me didn't want to pull away, but like before this isn't the time. Knowing Bellamy, he's probably got a line of girls waiting for him to recover, just like before.

There was an awkwardness between us, something we'd never had before. But it was quickly broken when the door to our room opened and Madi came in holding a basket of food. Bellamy and I shifted apart. I could feel my cheeks growing red from the embarrassment, but what was I embarrassed about? Madi set the basket down between us, kicking her boots off before she climbed in between us crossing her legs beneath her.

"We wanted to have lunch with you guys. It's not the same being down there without you." Bellamy shifted up leaning his back against the wall, I quickly followed suit sitting up beside him. It was hard to focus on the physical pain when there was so much going on that I was completely unaware about.

Immediately the door opened again. Now Murphy, Raven, Monty, Harper, and Miller walked in followed by a woman about our age. She had a square jaw with high cheekbones, a large tattoo running from the left side of her face and cutting through the middle of her nose. She was clearly a grounder. She had honey brown eyes, emphasizing her caramel skin tone. Beside her stood another woman who appeared to be a grounder. She had pale skin and long brown hair. Her face was round with prominent cheekbones and full lips.

The woman with the tattoo on her face stood beside Murphy her arm carefully laced around his. The tall woman stood beside Bellamy, her hand placed carefully at the edge of the bed. Her eyes ran up and down Bellamy's body every few seconds. Occasionally her eyes would meet mine, but they immediately dropped down to the floor. Maybe she was Bellamy's new conquest. Maybe that was what Bellamy was into now. But that's none of my business, he was just my co-leader and now that Octavia is in charge I guess we're just friends.

Madi shifted closer handing me some well-cooked meat. Everyone else sat on the edges of some cots. Raven sat in the corner of the room, her hand mindlessly massaging her leg. "How's the work going out there?" I broke the silence that was consuming the room. Everyone's eyes shifting up to look at me as they ate in silence.

Madi smiled widely as she took a bite of some meat. "We've almost got enough trees ready to start putting together our first cabin." She placed her hand on Bellamy's leg giving it a soft squeeze. "Maybe you can come out and tell us what to do?"

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