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Okay I have to admit this isn't as good of a chapter as the past few ones, but it was necessary to the plot. Still hope you enjoy reading it. Please, leave comments I really like knowing what my readers like/want. I know I'm not the best writer, but hopefully as I write more I'll get better at it.



We worked all day, but it felt hopeless. We barely made any progress. We still didn't have any word from the bunker. We definitely didn't know what these people were capable of.

We arrived at a river not far from Polis and immediately began to set up camp. It was nice knowing that even though the rest of the world was destroyed some areas were still the same.

"How about you guys finish setting up while Murphy and I go get us some food?" If we wanted to go back and make some progress on the rubble we needed to eat and sleep well. It had been so long since I'd been hunting. Since we got here Clarke had provided all the food.

Clarke turned around scanning the surroundings. Clearly still worried about any threats. "Should I come with you?" She tilted her head to one side. As much as I wanted to say yes, I couldn't.

"No one of us needs to be here." I could see the pain in her eyes, but she quickly pushed it away. She nodded getting ready to turn away, I quickly grabbed her wrist pulling her into me. "I'll be back soon," I whispered into her ear.

She pulled away shooting me a small smile. I turned towards Murphy who had his arms draped around Emori. I cleared my throat, signaling that it was time to go. We grabbed some guns and ammo, turning to take off into the forest.

We slowly made our way across the forest floor. Murphy had changed so much since we last left Earth. Maybe it was because his life didn't revolve around surviving anymore. He actually had time to be a human being. We had our differences while we were on Earth, but that was all left behind when we got back on the Ark. All of our relationships changed. We became very close, but that happens when you spend enough time with the same group of people. We faced many ups and downs together. We became a family.

"How long do you think it'll take until we get into the bunker?" Murphy asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"I wish I knew. We need something to make this process go faster because at the rate we're going it'll take weeks." Weeks that we couldn't risk remaining so vulnerable. There was no chance that they wouldn't come after us, especially since we hurt so many of their people. When the grounders attacked Jasper, we were fully prepared to kill anyone that came in our way.

We walked around for hours with no sign of life coming from any direction. It was quiet. Too quiet.

Suddenly it hit me. I stopped in my tracks as Murphy ran into me from behind. We weren't hunting at all, we were being hunted. I slowly turned around, taking in my surroundings. Looking for any tracks. Nothing.

"Run," I whispered to Murphy as I tried to keep my cool, not giving anything away. My eyes were piercing Murphy trying to get him to understand.

"Why?" He stared at me his face filled with confusion.

I grabbed his shoulders. "Listen to me, we need to run." I paused making sure he understood what I meant. "I'll run this way, you run that way. Don't run directly to camp." He gave me a nod. I handed him the radio. "I'll try to give you enough time to get away, take the radio and don't come after me. Get to the bunker first." He opened his mouth to question me, but I turned around and began running before he could.

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