This is Wrong

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Okay, so Madi at the end of season 4 is played by Imogen Tear and she's 14 years old. I started my fic before I knew Lola Flanery was going to play her so I'm sticking to Imogen as my Madi and she's going to be 14 in this fic. Just some important information for this chapter, you'll understand once you read it. Sorry for not updating sooner. 



I woke up when I heard a light grunt slipping through Bellamy's lips, his chest vibrating beneath my face. I slowly opened my eyes, it was still dark everyone was still asleep. Everyone except for Bellamy. I tilted my head to look up at him, but he pressed my face back down against his chest. He ran his finger through my hair, letting out a heavy sigh. "Get back to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you up."

I slipped out from under his arm, folding my legs beneath me as I sat up beside him. He was surprised, but he tried to move over to give me some more room. I pressed my hand into his shoulder, holding him in place. A soft gleam in his eyes as he looked up at me. "I can't sleep anymore. It feels wrong."

He narrowed his eyes up at me. His eyebrows closely knit together, there was a sad look in his eyes. "Madi, I know how you feel but until Clarke wakes up there's nothing any of us can do." He stretched out his arm beside him, a slight nod in direction of the spot beside him.

"No. Clarke wouldn't want this." He tilted his head to this side, complete confusion taking over his face. "There's nothing we can do for Clarke, but there's still a lot we can do for our people." His eyes widen, a tight smile tugging at the corners of his lips forming hollow dimples at each end. "Octavia can't do anything either, but I can. If we want to be ready for the winter we need to keep working. I can go out there with Indra and Azuma and Kane. Maybe Miller and Harper too. Even if medical and engineering are down we shouldn't stop construction." Bellamy placed his hand on my knee, his thumb running along my kneecap. "She wouldn't want this and you know it. So, let me do what you can't."

Bellamy opened his mouth to protest but was immediately cut off. "Don't worry. I'll take care of her." A voice came from over my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see Murphy standing behind me, his arms carefully folded in front of him. "She knows how to fight, she knows how to hunt, she knows how to trim trees. If anything, she'll make my job easier."

Bellamy stirred beside me, sliding his body up his arms struggled to hold up his weight. "In case you forgot you're injured too. Raven will have your head if you do anything to mess up those newly refurbished lungs." He huffed some air out of his nose, mocking the idea of Murphy going out to work.

"I had it better than any of you." He waved his hand from Clarke to Octavia. "She's right. Sitting around here and doing nothing is good for no one. We need to make sure we're all ready for winter." He stepped forward leaning down on the edge of the bed beside me, his weight being held up on two fists placed on the edge of the bed. "Madi may just be what we need to get everyone off their asses and back to work. Since she fought Costa no one's dared to question her. She's definitely proved herself."

"Well, she's already got you off your ass and ready to work. Something none of us could do while up in space for all those years." Bellamy looked back and forth from me to Murphy, a skeptical look on his face. Murphy and I exchanged a smile, but a part of me knew Bellamy wouldn't just let me out there so easily. "You can go, but you need to have a radio on you at all times. I want updates every hour."

I moved closer, wrapping my arms tightly around Bellamy's neck. He let out a surprised laugh before wrapping his arms around my back. "Thank you."

He pressed a kiss against my temple, giving me a final squeeze before pulling back. "If anyone can keep all these people in line, it's you." Murphy let out a heavy laugh behind me, matching Bellamy's laughter.

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