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Okay so I have like no self-control so this chapter is literally like 7,000 words. Sorry! But I hope you like it! There's a lot of feels in here, just a warning. Especially Jasper and Lincoln feels. Love you guys! xx


Madi joined Murphy with cabin construction. They were working in sync. Madi trimming the smaller parts of the trees, while Murphy helped her with the big parts. Who would've known Murphy could be so good with kids. I guess he's better with kids than adults. But Madi isn't much of a kid anymore. She's a strong young woman. She's proved that time and time again. I'm so proud of the person she's become.

Bellamy and Penn came through the woods carrying in another large tree. Both of them moving with ease before setting the tree down in front of a group of people waiting to trim down the tree. Bellamy clasped his hands together stretching up towards the sky, stretching out his back. His shirt tugged up while he stretched revealing the lines of his waist, all the muscles in his stomach flexing as he stretched.

With all the physical work he'd been doing, he was going to be sore for a while. I watched him as he continued to stretch out his arms and back, his eyes wandering over everyone working around him, making sure they were doing everything right.

Looking around his eyes were narrowed, eyebrows drew together, and a crease formed perfectly on his forehead but once his eyes met mine there was a shift in his face. His face relaxed and the crease shifted from his forehead to the corners of his mouth, his eyes immediately softening. He made his way towards me moving through people with grace, his eyes never leaving mine.

Once he made his way in front of me he stood with his arms folded in front of him, all his weight leaning on his right leg, his shoulders broad. "Lending a helping hand to the people working in construction?" His tone dripping with sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes at the thought. I guess even from a wheelchair I could help trim the trees, but Bellamy would never let me anyways. I cleared my throat, my eyes locked onto his. "Can we talk?"

There was a shift in his expression, complete panic. "Are you okay?" His voice was strong but filled with fear.

I shifted in my wheelchair, moving my weight from one side to the other. "Yeah. I just think it's time we talk about Bishop." My voice cooler than it was before. I don't know why I'm so nervous. I tell him everything. But I also know that when I tell him all the things Bishop did he's going to want to kill him. He wanted to kill Echo for just holding a knife to my throat, I can't imagine what he'd do to Bishop for doing much more.

He took a knee in front of me, his warms calloused hand placed on my knee. His thumb rubbing my skin through the rip in my pants. "You don't owe me anything, Clarke. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." His voice was soft enough so only I could hear him.

I placed my hand on top of his, gently giving it a squeeze. "I know I don't have to, but I want to. I know we're executing him today and that should make me feel better, but it doesn't." He shut his eyes, his brows knitted. I began making circles into his forearm. He let out a deep sigh before his eyes opened up to meet mine again. "I need you." His grip on my knee tightened.

He shifted slightly closer to me. "Let me finish up here and we can go somewhere a little more private."

A scoff came from the side, the sound of footsteps making their way towards us. We broke eye contact to see Raven walking towards us. "I know you two just got together, but already avoiding your responsibilities to go hook up?" She stood beside us, her hands carefully placed on her hips and a large smirk on her face. Her eyes boring into Bellamy's face. She was taunting him.

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