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Bishop made his way across the room with a plate of food. He sat on the table in front of me. "Eat up beautiful. You'll need the strength." He held up the plate in front of me.

I tugged against the ropes holding down my arms. "Can't really feed myself like this. Unless you're going to untie me." His eyes narrowed on me as he thought about whether or not he should give me so much freedom.

He shifted on the table looking at my wrists. "I'll untie you if you promise to be a good girl. Maybe we can be civil. But remember, if you make any smart moves I'll kill the people who mean most to you. Starting with Bellamy."

I felt chills go down my spine. It was time to stop being selfish. Everyone will be better off if I just suffer through this. At least I'll know everyone is safer without me there. Bishop stared at me, his eyes scanning my face. "Okay. I'll be good."

He raised one eyebrow a slight smile crossing his face. He set the plate to the side pulling out a knife to cut through the rope. I rolled my wrists as soon as he freed them. Picking up the plate he set it into my lap. "Eat. I've got a few things to prepare for our evening." His smile widened as he stared down at me. I looked back down at the food that was placed in front of me.

I began eating alone in the lab. I was alone, but I felt like all eyes were on me. There's a fully loaded gun across the room. It's taped to the bottom of the control panel. I kept it there in the case of an emergency. I could get to it, but it would be risky. And if I can't take them all out then I'll be risking everyone else's lives. Between the four of them, they had one shotgun. Assuming it's full they'd have around 6 rounds. I can handle a few shots, but I'd have to take them down. I'm sure I'm a better shot than they are.

My train of thought was broken when one of Bishop's men came and sat in front of me. He leaned in closely, his eyes focused on mine. "Do you have a plan to get out yet?" he whispered. His eyes scanning the room to make sure no one was listening. I stared at him with confusion. What did he want? "Look I know if anyone can get out of here, it's you. I spent a lot of time watching your friends and listening to them talk about you. Telling stories of what you've done and how you would've escaped from our ship. I want you to help me."

His eyes went soft as he stared at me. "Why should I help you?" I could hear the anger in my voice even as I whispered. But he should know I have every right to be angry.

He looked around the room once again. "My family is gone because of Bishop. I want him dead. I know you do too. If I help you get out will you help me?"

Mimicking his motion, I scanned the room. Continuing to eat. I sat and analyzed his expression. He looked genuine, but could I really trust him? What if this was a test? What if they just want to know what I'm thinking so that they can stay prepared. After all, Lexa did that to Kane and Jaha when she held them as prisoners.

"I know you probably don't trust me, but I can prove it." He unzipped a hidden pocket on the inside of his coat, pulling out an old beat up picture. It was of him, a woman, and a young girl. The girl was a spitting image of him. The same blue eyes, button nose, high cheek bones, and chiseled jaw.

I ran my fingers along the printed photo taking in their surroundings. They were on the ship standing in front of a window together. Stars filling the background. "May I ask what happened to them?"

His eyes began to tear up, but he blinked them away. Immediately clearing his throat. "So, I'm sure you know that living on a ship we had very limited resources and very strict rules. Bishop was ruthless, in order to save his own ass, he got decided who was disposable and who wasn't. We were running out of resources so he decided that there was only one solution. To control the population. Anyone with any disabilities or diseases were floated. He didn't tell anyone until after it was done. We did as we were told, took the prisoners to a certain cell block and he released them. Only after did I find out my wife and daughter were in there. My daughter was autistic and my wife had a heart murmur." The tears formed in his eyes once again. They were pushing against his lids, but he didn't allow them to fall. I rested my hand on his knee, giving him a reassuring smile. "He didn't realize it was my wife and daughter until after and he still thinks I'm okay with it. But I'm not and he will suffer for his actions."

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