Prepare for the Worst

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Okay but can we all agree that this is the hottest gif I've used so far. Look at that beautiful face. Hope you guys like this chapter, it's somewhat a filler but not really because we don't get enough of Octavia. Tell me what you think. Comment. If you don't want to comment, message me! I love hearing your opinions :)


We swept the ship and found a trap door leading outside. I knew it. These people lived on this ship for 100 years, they knew every inch of it. I tried to tell Octavia that, but she didn't listen. Now we've wasted a few hours looking inside the ship when they could be anywhere.

I felt a warm hand rest on my shoulder, giving me a soft squeeze. "I'm sorry Bell. But I already said I'm sending out a search party with weapons at first light."

I felt my blood boiling. I turned to face her pulling away from her hand. "That's hours away. Who knows how far they'll get by then? You may not care, but I owe my life to Clarke. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her." My voice echoed throughout the room, everyone going silent and looking at me. The atmosphere in the meeting chamber was tense. Everyone was on their toes.

"Hey, we all owe our lives to her. But we can't go out there like this. We need a game plan. It won't help her if we walk around aimlessly." Raven's voice was soft and soothing. She looked at me with sad eyes. I sat down in one of the chairs resting my elbows on the table and burying my face in my hands. "We all want her back Bellamy. We won't rest until we get a plan together to get her back."

I looked around the room and everyone stared at me. Their eyes filled with sympathy. Carefully making eye contact. They were treating me like I was made of glass. Like I would break and run after her by myself.

Kane stood up from his seat placing his hands on the table. "Where could he have taken her? There's not much green land out here so unless he's completely stupid he has to be within it right? They would need food, water so maybe they went to the river?" Abby rested her hand on his forearm instantly causing him to calm down. Everyone was tense. But they were right we had to have a plan.

"They don't know how to hunt. They would need Clarke to do it and if she were untied she would get away." Raven stood up, pacing back and forth. Dragging her leg back and forth. "How far is Becca's lab from here? She has everything there. They already knew where that was right?" She stopped pacing, crossing her arms in front of her. A large smile across her face.

"We'll send groups out in every direction. Bellamy can lead a search party towards the bunker with Kane. Azuma and I will head towards Polis. Indra and Echo will head in the other direction towards the sea." Octavia stood in the corner of the room looking around the room, waiting for someone to respond. "Each search party will have one hundred people. That should be more than enough people to find them."

"Okay, but what about the rest of us? We just sit here and do nothing?" Raven sat down her arms folding across her chest. She scowled at Octavia.

"No. You will guard the ship we don't need any further issues. Bishop took Clarke and 3 others. From our records, they are all guards from the prisoner ship. Smith, Williams, and Jones." Octavia began pacing around the room. Her face was neutral, not a single emotion on her face. In front of the people I understood why she needed to be so cold, but not in front of the rest of us. We're family. "Now everyone, go and get some sleep and we'll be ready to go in a few hours."

Everyone slowly made their way out of the room. Everyone was nervous. Anything could happen tomorrow and there was no way of really knowing.

Octavia stepped forward wrapping her hand around my forearm. "Bell. I'm sorry."

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