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Thank you so much for 1k reads and 100 votes! It means so much to me, honestly I didn't think this was going to get as much attention as it has. Thank you for reading I really hope you're enjoying my story so far. :) Feel free to leave comments.



I made my way down the corridor, cells on both sides. People stood against the bars of their cells staring at me. I looked over to Octavia who was completely unfazed by the stares. I guess she had gotten used to it since she stayed in the bunker all eyes were on her.

As we made it closer to the door I heard a familiar voice come from one of the cells. A sarcastic, taunting tone. "Well, well, well what do we have here?" I turned to find Justin Bishop staring right back at me. He was isolated in his cell. I looked him up down, his mouth curled into a sinister smile. "I hear you've been questioning people. Why don't you just come to the source of it all? The man who knows all." He raised an eyebrow staring down at me, his fingers wrapped around the bars between us.

Octavia stood beside me, watching him and his intentions. I stepped closer. "And what makes you think you're so special?"

"I know this ship inside and out. I know every single person on this ship. If you need information from anyone, it's me." He stood slightly taller, his confidence growing as he stared at me. His eyes were locked onto mine. It was like Octavia wasn't even there. "But if you're going to question me it has to be just you and me unrestrained in a room with no weapons and no guards."

Octavia scoffed. His eyes shifted from me to Octavia. She stepped forward her body language threatening his. I felt a presence behind me. A strong, overprotective yet warm presence. Bellamy. His eyes burned into the back of me, but I didn't turn to him. I focused my attention on Bishop. "I don't think so." Bellamy's deep voice was bursting with anger. I looked over my shoulder to see him standing behind me with his arms folded in front of him. His eyes narrowed on Bishop. All the muscles in his body flexed with anger, his fists curled into balls.

"Of course, how could I forget? The princess's knight in shining armor. Nice to see you again Bellamy." He raised an eyebrow looking at him. His body was still relaxed and his smile grew wider as he took in Bellamy's anger.

Bellamy stepped in front of me, nudging me behind him. Bishop and Bellamy were staring down at one another. Bellamy's eyes full of anger, but Bishop's eyes were full of mockery. "If anyone is going to question you, it's going to be. I'll show you what real torture feels like." I stepped to the side between Octavia and Bellamy gently pressing my hand against Bellamy's back in an attempt to relax him. He kept his eyes on Bishop even as I moved to his side.

Bishop's eyes shifted from Bellamy to me. He looked me up and down. "As long as Clarke is there, then I don't care. But I'll only answer to her." His smile had become softer as he stared at me.

"Fine. Bellamy and I will take him into the interrogation room, Octavia you can get things ready for tomorrow." I broke my eye contact with Bishop to look over at Octavia who stood silently. Her face tense with anger as she looked at him.

"No, I'm going to be there too. I'm the commander so all interrogations go through me." I nodded before turning my attention back to Bishop.

His eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open. "I thought you were the leader, Clarke?"

I let out a little laugh. "I was. But Octavia is much more equipped for the job, she's much more aggressive than I am when it comes to getting what she wants." I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him. A smile tugging at the corner of my mouth.

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