Chapter One- Present.

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A/N: Hey! So I've posted part of this here before then taken it down, I've edited it and decided to post it again! While I was editing it I was listening the Where Do Broken Hearts Go, 18, Strong and Through The Dark, they in a way set the mood. 

His once life-filled face was now a light pale color noticable most in the dark, but here, with the light that comes in from the large window above his hospital bed when the curtains are pulled back and tied, his face seems to blend in with the sun light. 

Each inhale seemed a struggle, each exhale a near shudder, his shoulders tremble with every struggle filled breath. I move so I'm sat beside him, hoping that maybe that'll calm him, make him feel like everything will be alright. I watch him breathe a bit longer before shifting my gaze to our enveloped hands, his a faint pale color compared to mine. I remember just nine months ago, Zayn would've held one of my hands tightly in his and curled his fingers with mine, but now he can't seem to find the strenght to lift just one of his fingers. 

I use my thumbs to trace small hearts against the back of his hands as I look at his face, even with the paleness of his skin and his faded pink lips he's still beautiful just like the day we had met on The X-Factor. My eyes skimmed over Zayn's face, pausing after gaze over his eyes, something was different. I looked back over his face and noticed that his eyes were half open. 

"Harry?" his muffled, weak voice says. 

"I'm here my love. I'm right here. I'm not leaving your side, it's all right." I spoke soothingly, to keep him calm. 

"Tell me the story of us." He manages to whisper, he manages to curl his lips up into a small smile, butterflies fill my stomach as I feel my heart beign to race. Even though I've seen that smile of his countless times whenever I see it it feels like the whole world stops. 

"Of course." 

Over the past nine months I've told him our story multiple times but at times our memories seem to be the only thing that keeps Zayn here

Our Story. {Zarry}Where stories live. Discover now