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I looked at the clock and expectedly felt a burning sensation in my chest, immediately coughing out blood afterwards.

"Where is it? I'm sure I left it somewhere in here...."

I kept on looking for my medicine, but disappointingly can't see it anywhere. I rummaged through my drawers, cabinets, and other stuffs, but still found nothing. I really can't find it. Giving up, I sat on the floor and leaned on my bed as I coughed out more blood.


I am Yuki. I have no last name.

I am 7 years old, and my birthday is May 15. It doesn't matter though because no one cares about my birthday anyway, and so do I.

Whenever that day comes, it's just like a normal day. Wake up, do my morning routine, work and help in my mother's flower shop, go home, get beaten up by my parents, clean myself, and finally, end the day with a nice and peaceful slumber. I receive no gifts, no cake, no anything. No one would even greet me a Happy Birthday or something like that.

I have long beautiful snow-like waist-length hair and beautiful silver eyes. I.... I just think that they look pretty and beautiful because of their unique color.

I don't have my biological parents with me. Well, I don't know who they are. The ones who are taking care of me are my foster parents. Actually, they aren't really taking care of me. I am the one who works for my own food, and they always beat me up whenever I accidentally make mistakes or something. Heck! Sometimes even without any reason! They just..... They just want to beat me and make me a bloody mess without any particular reason. They just LOVE to see me suffering.

Maybe because I'm an extra baggage to them.... And maybe because they want me dead.


"YUKI!!!! GET DOWN HERE!!" I flinched when a loud yell from downstairs rang in my ears.

Ugh. What did I do this time?

"H-Hai...!!" I squeaked softly even though I knew that they wouldn't hear it. I just..... Well.... I just wanted to make sure that I responsed and didn't ignore them. It's just.... Umm..... It's just me!! It's sure hard to describe and explain things. It's like a mannerism of mine.

I hurriedly ran downstairs and went straight to the living room where they are, and as always, I got ready for the shout and yell I am about to receive.

"WHAT IS THIS!?!!? I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE GARBAGES IN HERE!! AND I TOLD YOU TO MAKE OUR HOUSE CLEAN!!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING HUH!?!!" My mother yelled, and I whimpered quietly as I took a glance at what she was talking about, and.... There it is..... My medicine.... On the coffee table.

They are tablets. They're red pills in a small transparent bottle to be specific.

And yes, my parents don't know about my illness..... Or maybe they actually do but are too cold-hearted to care. I am not sure if it's an illness or anything. It's just that..... I feel a burning sensation in my chest whenever it's acting up, and I always cough out blood when that happens.

"U-Umm....." I tried to look for the right words as I shivered a little in front of her. She got mad and pulled my long hair, making me yelp in pain.

"DON'T YOU UMM-UMM ME!!! THROW THIS TRASH AWAY!!! DON'T YOU EVER DO THIS AGAIN OR ELSE YOU'RE DEAD!!!!" She yelled and harshly threw the bottle at me, which hit me fair and square on the forehead.

Take note. That transparent bottle is made of glass, and from the impact, a small wound formed on my forehead. It's bleeding, and the blood trickled down to my left cheek.

IT HURTS A LOT.... But it's a familiar pain that I can handle. A kind of pain that I can always handle.

The bottle fell down and broke into pieces as the red pills scattered on the ground. Uh oh. I should've caught it before it fell! Now I am in a big trouble!

"AAAAAARGH!!! CLEAN THIS UP!!!! DON'T BE SUCH A LAZY *toot* AND HURRY UP!!!" She yelled once more and even kicked some broken glass, which hit my feet and made it bleed. I told you. I'm going to be a bloody mess every time I face them.

"H-Hai! I-I'm sorry. T-This will not h-happen again." I muttered, and she just hit my head HARD as a response, walking towards the kitchen right after.

"BE SURE!!!" She yelled, and I released a long sigh of relief. Good thing, my father isn't here or else I'm seriously dead meat.

I immediately cleaned my mess by picking up the pieces of broken glass and throwing them in the trash can.

That created a few cuts on my fingers and hands but I couldn't care less. I am always capable of this pain. I mean, who wouldn't be capable of it when they feel it everyday? I'll ignore it soon though, and I am practicing it, but it's very difficult, since you will still feel the unbearable pain. Yes. It's pretty difficult to ignore pain, but your body can be numb and insensitive like a rock when you're used to it already.

I heard the gate slam close, and I immediately ran upstairs towards my room, closing and locking the door in the way. Good thing, I am already finished cleaning my little mess because my father is already there, and I bet he is drunk.... As always. It would hurt a million times if he saw that mess I made, and blood would splatter all over the living room for sure.

Shoot. Now, I don't have any medicine. Why did I even follow my mother and throw my medicine away as well? Ugh. It's just me. I always follow every person's command...... Yes.... Every person's command..... Subconsciously.

Suddenly, a familiar burning sensation was felt, and I can't help but clutch my shirt tightly.

"Oh no...." I whispered to myself as I felt something in my throat. Then, I coughed it out, and as expected, it's blood.

I ran towards my bathroom and coughed out blood in the sink. I don't want to make my room bloody again, so it's better if I do my usual routine in the bathroom.

It's not like anyone will see it, right? It's just me.


I released a sigh as I snuggled in my soft fluffy blanket. I cleaned myself a while ago when my coughing fit stopped, and I also patched my wounds up.

I love being clean.

It's just me.


"I guess I just have to endure the pain made by my illness from now on."

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