Chapter 22 ~Meeting Nii-san And Knowing The Truth~

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Yuki's POV

Shiroi disappeared and I slowly walked towards the unconscious Yuro. I kneed beside him and placed his head on my lap. "Who are you? Why do you look so much like me?" I asked as I stared at his face.

I feel..... So bad..... When I hurt him, when I stabbed him, when I attacked him. I don't know why. But..... It just feels so..... Wrong.

I gasped when he smiled. He's unconscious, right?!!

"T-That's because I am your brother, Yuki." He said weakly and my eyes widened as I immediately stood up. He slowly stood up himself and smiled at me. "N-No. Is that even p-possible?" I asked and he smiled again. He is just like me.... Always smiling. "Yeah. Father died in a battle and mother is suffering from an illness." He said and my eyes widened. I have a family and my.... My mother.... She.... She is ill as well?

"Yuki, let's talk in private for a while. Not here.." He said, then, he dragged me out of the arena, but before that...... "Hey! Where are you two going?? The match isn't finished yet!" The proctor yelled and Yuro gave him a peace sign. "I forfeit!" He yelled and my eyes widened once more.


Anyway, when we are out of the arena, he made me sit down on the ground and he did himself as well. "Yuki, you have to listen, okay?" He said and I just slowly nodded.

"When you were still a baby, we live in a different village far away from here. We were so happy back then and I always play with you and take care of you, but that ended when a group of rogue ninjas attacked us. They said that they needed you and they wanted to take you away from us. You see, our clan has the power to get any abilities from the others by their blood, I think you already know that..... But yours are much stronger and much more powerful than the rest of us. You are special and that's why they wanted you. Our clan kept your power hidden, but some still heard about it, that's why we got attacked. While mother and father were fighting the rogue ninjas, they told me to bring you somewhere far away from our village and that's what I did without hesitating because I know that they can handle those rogue ninjas. Back then, I was still a kid. I was still not a ninja, but I managed to bring you to another village and that village is here. When I arrived here, almost everybody looked at me in pity because I was very dirty that time. I sat on a bench near the gates and waited for someone to help us and then, someone did. Actually, it was a couple. They asked what happened to us and I told them the whole story, even your hidden power because I knew that they will keep it hidden as well and they will take care of you. After that, I left you in their hands and returned back to my own village. As expected, my mother and father were waiting for me. Many years passed and we planned to visit you after father's mission...... But a ninja came to our house and told us that he was killed in a battle, during his mission. Me and mother were really sad that time. We can't visit you anymore because when father died, mother became very lonely. She had a hard time sleeping. She doesn't eat and that's what caused her illness. I can't leave her side. Then, many years passed again and mother told me to join the Chunin Exams. I hesitated because I don't want to leave her, but she said that she will be fine and she also said that I might see you here..... And I did." He explained and I was already crying.

"N-Nii-san (Big brother)." I said as I lowered my head. He gasped and hugged me as he cried on my shoulder..... But I slightly pushed him away..... And he gasped once more.

"Nii-san (Big brother), do you know how much pain I had been through?! This couple who you thought that will take care of me just....." I cut myself off as I cried more, my head lowered. "They what? What did they do to you?" He asked with a concerned voice.

"They love to see me in pain..... A-And hey, guess what? They always beat the crap out of me, whether I make mistakes or not. They always wanted to see me covered in my own blood and that happened everyday! I endured the pain until I got used to it. I never cried because I knew that crying won't do anything at all and..... Take care of me huh? I was the one who worked for my own food! Good thing, I studied in the Academy. Eversince I became a ninja, I don't see their faces anymore because I always use my window as a door." I laughed at the memories, but of course, tears were still running down my face. Sometimes, I trip and land straight on my bed. That's how my life goes.

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