Chapter 18 ~Meet My Puppet, Shiroi Hana!!~

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Yuki's POV

"Hey everybod-!!" I covered Deidara's mouth when he was about to call all the members. Tsk. "Deidara-chan! Don't tell them! Let's keep this as a secret. Let them see themselves." I whisper-yelled and he sweatdropped. I removed my hand and he nodded. "Alright hm." He said and we walked towards our room.

"Sasori-chaaaaaaan! Tomorrow, you'll train me!" I said at the busy puppeteer, who is currently doing something on his wooden table. I didn't wait for his answer and just went straight to the bathroom. "Oh wait. I forgot something." I said and opened the bathroom door again.

"Deidara-chan! Will you borrow some of Kisame's shirt!? Thanks!!" I said and closed the door again. "Why Kisame hm?!!" I heard him yell and I just facepalmed. "Because his shirt is big!!!" I yelled at the door.

Then, I took a bath.

Deidara's POV

"Tsk. I'm not a maid hm." I muttered to myself as I walked towards Kisame and Itachi's room. Tok. Tok. Tok.

The door opened, revealing the Uchiha boy, and I peeked inside just to see Kisame on his bed. "Itachi, may I talk to Kisame hm?" I asked and he nodded, then, he sat down on a random chair and did something on his table..... Maybe continuing something.

"Kisame! Can I borrow one of your shirts? Yuki's asking hm." I said and he looked at me sleepily. "Why mine?" He asked and I mentally facepalmed. "Because your shirt is big, that's what she said." I mumbled and he slowly stood up. "Fine." He said and walked towards their closet. Then, he opened it and took a white shirt.

He handed it to me and I walked out of the room. "Thanks hm!!" I yelled and ran towards my room. Then, I knocked on the bathroom door. "Yuki!! Your shirt is here!" I yelled and the door opened. I looked away and gave Yuki her shirt.

"Arigatou! (Thank you)" She said and slammed the door close.

Yuki's POV

I washed my clothes, or should I say Konan's clothes, and the cloak she let me borrow. Then, I wore my now-clean black knee-length shorts. I washed them awhile ago before we train and hanged it here in the bathroom. Good thing, it's dry already so I wore it.

Then, I wore Kisame's shirt and it stopped above my knees. "Ooohh. So big. Hehe. Kisame's fat." I said to myself and after that, I brushed my teeth and hair and yeah. Tomorrow, I bet Konan's clothes are already dry. Anyway, I opened the door and saw Deidara on his mattress, maybe already asleep, and Sasori doing something on his table..... As always.

I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes. "Oyasumi nasai (Good night), Sasori-chan. Oyasumi nasai (Good night), Deidara-chan." I said and as expected, I received nothing but a deafening silence.

After that, I fell asleep.


(Kisame's turn)

I woke up and suddenly jumped out of bed, ran towards the bathroom, did my morning routine, ran out of the bathroom, ran towards the kitchen, ate my breakfast, ran towards my room, and finally, glomped on Sasori.

"Sasori-chan! Training time!" I yelled and he pushed me off him. "Tomorrow," He said and I pouted. "Fine." I said and ran out of the room.

I ran towards Kisame's room and knocked loudly on his door. "Kisame-chan!!" I yelled and the door opened revealing a slightly annoyed Itachi. "Where is Kisame-chan?" I asked and he pointed a finger at the said shark head lying on the bed.

"Kisame-chan! Train me today please!" I said while bowing and he stared at me with a bored look. "Fine." He said and walked towards the bathroom. Soon, he came out and we walked towards the place where to train.

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