Chapter 15 ~Yuki's Disappearance~

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Yuki's POV

"Ugh." I said as I woke up. "Man, that hurts." I whispered as I made my bones crack. Not literally, of course. Anyway, I rubbed the sleep off my eyes and looked around. Sasori is doing something on his table and Deidara was nowhere to be found.

"Sasori-chan, have you seen Deidara-chan?" I asked and he looked at me. "Oh. You're already awake. It's still early, you know. And about Deidara, he is there, sleeping on the floor." He said and pointed a finger on the floor, which is near Deidara's bed. I peeked and she IS there.... Still asleep.

Wait. Did I hear Sasori right? Nah. Maybe it's just my imagination.

"Sasori-chan, you should've told Deidara-chan to sleep beside me on the bed and not on the floor. I don't mind anyway." I said as I stared at my poor friend sleeping on the floor. "Huh? You don't mind sleeping with him? Interesting." He said, looking at me with a sweatdrop. Wait.... Him? HIM!?!?!?!!

"Him!?!! She's a boy!?!?!!" I kinda' yelled as my hands flew straight to my mouth, covering it. "Eh? Of course, he is.... Wait.... Don't tell me...." Sasori said as his eyes widened. "Yes! I thought that he was a girl all this time!!" I yelled and Sasori burst out laughing, which woke Deidara up.

"Ugh. What's with all the noise hm?" He said as he sat up cross-legged. "S-She thought that y-you were a girl!!" Sasori said, laughing more. I puffed my cheeks out in embarrassment. "G-Gomennasai (Sorry), Deidara-chan. It's just that.... Umm.... You really resemble my friend, Ino, who has the same blue eyes and blonde hair so uhh.... I thought that you were a girl..... P-Please forgive me......" I said as I bowed.

"Eh?" That's all what he said as he scratched the back of his head. I was sweating so hard as I kept my body still. I kept myself still bowing, waiting for his reaction or something like that.

I gulped and he unexpectedly lifted my face, then, I saw his confused face with his eyebrow raised. "Oh.... So, that's why all of my *coughs* jokes *coughs* didn't take effect on you hm." He said and I just stared at him. So..... Were those what he call jokes? 'You're welcome and no need to bow, girly hm.'........'Oh really hm?'..... Jokes. He call those jokes? Seriously?

I released a long sigh and just stared at him. "Tsk. Anyway, don't wake me up. I'm going back to sleep. It's still early hm." He said and lied down on his mattress. Yeah. He was sleeping on a mattress awhile ago.

"Err. Okay." I said as I stood up. I walked towards the door and was about to open it when Sasori stopped me. "Where are you going? Everybody is still asleep." He said, not taking his eyes off his work. "I'm going to find the bathroom. And.... Why are you already awake then? Do you always wake up this early?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I don't sleep at all." He said and I raised my eyebrow. "Eh? Why? I mean..... How can you even do that?" I asked and he looked at me. "I'm a puppet. Puppets don't sleep. They don't need rest." He said and my eyes slightly widened.

"You're a puppet? Hmm. It's not that obvious." I muttered and went outside of the room before he can even comment. I know it's rude and all but I really need to go to the bathroom now. Anyway, I will start from the very first door at the very end of this creepy and unlively hallway..... But how am I going to remember our room? Hmm.

Aha!! I bit my thumb and made it bleed. Then, I wiped my blood on the middle of the door. It's very small so it's not that obvious, plus, the door is brown.

I walked towards the very end of the hallway and when I arrived, I started my search. Err. I will open the doors in my right first. The left umm..... Later.

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