Chapter 13 ~Meeting Deidara And Sasori~

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Yuki's POV

I woke up and saw an unfamiliar room. I clutched my head and sat up, looking around. "W-Where am I?" I asked and my eyes landed on the door. Err. Okay. I stood up and tripped on my own two feet. Talk about being dumb.


I stood up clumsily and walked towards the door, still clutching my head. I reached for the doorknob and twisted it, opening the door. I then, slowly walked through the quiet and dark hall. At the end, is a staircase. I walked downstairs just to see three figures sitting on a couch, their backs facing me. "Umm.... H-Hello?" I said and they all looked at me at the same time.

"YUKI!!! YOU'RE AWAKE!!!!" Dhean and Dararu yelled as they hugged me tight. I just laughed and looked at Chiru. "Chiru-san." I said and he looked at me. "Stay away from that red-haired boy, Yuki. He was about to kill you last night. He was about to crush you using his sand." He said and I sighed. I know that.

"Yeah I know, but I can't stay away from him. He is my friend." I said and he stared at me in disbelief. "Seriously? A friend trying to kill his own friend? Tsk. Stop being so very nice, Yuki. That will be the end of you." He said while staring at me blankly.

"It's not bad to be nice."

"It's bad if you're being nice too much."

"No, it's not. It's even better if-"

"Yuki. Listen...."

I sighed and let go of Dararu and Dhean. "Fine. If you insist...." I said and walked towards the door. "Thank you for helping me last night anyway. I'm.... I'm gonna' go now." I said and walked out without waiting for them to talk back.

It's better if I train, right?

I should train and be stronger, so I can beat my enemy.

But.... I feel so weak. It's like.... I don't have any energy at all. I feel so light and soulless. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of my illness.

Then, I felt something bad.

I covered my mouth and ran towards the nearest tree, and it just HAD to be outside the village and out in the forest. Chiru's apartment is near the gates so yah. I ran behind the tree and puked.

"Ugh..... What the?" I asked myself and saw a lot of red liquid on the ground. I threw up.... BLOOD!?!?!!! What the heck is wrong with me?!

I stared at it in shock. No way. I'm gonna' DIE!!!!!!! Why did I throw up blood!?!! I should've coughed up blood and not puke it out! Maybe my illness is really really really getting worse. Ugh. What now? How can I stop this from happening?

"Um.... Are you alright?" I heard someone ask and I looked up just to see two beautiful lavender eyes. "H-Hinata-chan? What are you doing here?" I asked and she looked at me in a cute way. "Oh n-nothing. I.... I j-just saw you run t-towards here. A-Are you alright? Oh.... Oh my..... W-What's that? B-Blood?" She asked while staring at the red liquid on the ground, wide eyed.

I immediately removed my shirt and threw it on the ground, covering the blood in there. "Yeah. The truth is, I saw a dead animal, so I ran towards here..... And I don't want you to see it because.... It's.... Umm..... Let's say it looks a little disturbing....." I said while smiling sheepishly.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry. I better go now." She said while blushing and I just smiled at her. "No, it's nothing and.... I will investigate!!" I yelled cheerfully, which made her giggle. "Okay." She said and walked away. "See you next time!" She said and I waved back. "Sure thing!"

Oh and you probably thought I don't have any clothes on top huh? Wrong! Under my shirt is another white sleeveless shirt. That was the first thing that appeared in my mind so yeah.....

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