Chapter 26 ~Sasuke's Hurtful Words~

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Yuki's POV

I wiped my tears off as I slowly stood up. "Okay. I'm out of tears." I said to myself as I looked around.

I took a walk around the village and suddenly heard something. "Sasuke-kun! I will do anything for you! I promise that you will be happy here in the village!! Please don't leave us. Please don't leave me." I heard someone say and I peeked. Actually, I am hiding here behind the trees.... And yah.

My eyes widened as I saw Sasuke behind Sakura, then, he whispered something to her, which I managed to hear. "Thank you for everything, Sakura." Then, he hit her pressure point, which made her unconscious. He carried Sakura and placed her on the bench.

I walked towards him and when he saw me, his eyes widened. "You're leaving? You didn't even say goodbye." I said as my face started to get wet again. Ugh! Curse these tears! Always so desperate to pour down my face! Tsk!

"Well then.... Goodbye. There, you happy?" Sasuke said, his voice full of sarcasm and I just stared at him, eyes wide. "Sasuke, why are you doing this?" I asked as I hiccuped. Aaaargh! Stop it, you tears!! "Tsk. Yuki, enough with the drama. I'm leaving this village because I cannot get any stronger here. I will cut my bonds here as well..... Including ours." He said with a serious look and I just shook my head slowly as more tears poured down. "What are you talking about, Sasuke?" I asked.

"Tsk. Yuki, please. I'm tired of this..... And I can't believe that you are so naive." Sasuke said and I just got more confused.... Naive? Me?

"Seriously, Yuki. Stop being so dumb..... And here is your trash." Sasuke said harshly and coldly as he threw me the necklace with the key. It hit me fair and square on the head. I..... I don't know what's happening. My head is blank. All I know is that.... I am crying.

"You know what? Cry all day. I don't care anyway.... And besides....." He cut himself off as he laughed mockingly. "I can't believe that you seriously fell for me." He said and I looked at him in disbelief. "Y-You were joking all this t-time..?" I asked and he laughed once more. I don't want to hear it. I want to rip my ears off.

"Hahaha!! What do you think? Am I that stupid to love you? And.... Hahaha!! Forget what I said. That's all scripted.... Hahahaha!!" He said and I just stared at him. "You don't.... Love me all this time?" I asked and he laughed again. "You still don't get it, do you? To be honest, I actually hate you more because you're so stupid and dumb. I hate brainless people." He said and I just stared in space.

"Tsk. I'm gonna' go straight to the point to make it easy for you.... Okay?" He said, then, he cleared his throat mockingly. "I HATE YOU ALL THIS TIME.... Gets?" He said with a smirk and I covered my mouth as I felt the familiar pain in my chest.

Sasuke.... Is that..... You?

"You know what? I'm impressed that you still aren't running away. Obviously if I say that to one of my fan-girls, they'll break down and run." He said and I felt something weird. It's like.... It's like the air in my lungs is getting sucked out so I can't really understand him that much.

"Nevermind. I'm going now...... Sayounara (Goodbye), Snow!!" He said with a mocking smirk, then, he ran away..... Away from the village.







I clutched my shirt as I inhaled...... What's this?

"I..... I.... C-Can't breathe....." I said as my knees buckled.... Someone..... Help me.....

Then, I blacked out as more tears rivered down my face.

Is this the end? My illness is killing me.

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