Chapter 6 ~First Part Of The Chunin Exams!~

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"SHUT UP, YUKI!!!!" My mother yelled from downstairs and I just sweatdropped. It's been months since I got a wound or cut or some violent punishment from my parents. I don't want to see their faces again. Not anymore.

I grinned and did my morning routine. Oh yes. About my breakfast, I eat breakfast with Sasuke in his house and he always let me in. After doing my morning routine except for eating breakfast, I looked at myself in my body-sized mirror.

I am wearing a light blue V-neck shirt with long sleeves, black sleeveless hoodie, black knee-length shorts, which I found very comfortable, and lastly, my simple black ninja sandals. I bought it when I received my forehead protector. Oh and about my forehead protector, I asked for a black one and tied it on my neck. I just let my hair down, like always. My hands, left knee, along with my left thigh, and lower right leg are bandaged. It's not for some cool effect. I bandaged them because my awful scars are still in there and I don't want the others to see it.

When I am satisfied with my appearance, I opened the window and climbed out, holding tightly on the branch with one hand as I close the window with the other. I let go and landed swiftly on the ground.

"Geez. I wonder what's for breakfast today." I asked myself as I walked towards Sasuke's house. When I arrived, I knocked gently on the door.

Tok! Tok! Tok!

"Sasuke-chan!!" I called out and the door opened, revealing the said man. I expectedly bowed. "Ohayou guzaimasu (Good morning), Sasuke-chan!" I said and he just held my hand, pulling me inside, closing the door as well.

Actually, I do that EVERY morning and maybe he is already used to it. "Do you have an apple?" I asked randomly and he just stared at me in disbelief. "Yeah, why?" He replied and I just smiled sheepishly. "Umm.... Can I have it?" I asked while blushing in embarrassment.

"Sure. It's over there." He said, pointing a kind-of-large bowl, full of different fruits, on the table. "Arigatou! (Thank you)" I exclaimed as I walked towards it. I picked a not-that-red-but-not-that-green apple, which I ate afterwards. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! So I always eat an apple. And by the way, it's my favorite.

I threw the finished apple in the trash can and then, I sat down on his fluffy couch. "Yuki, come on. Let's eat breakfast." He said and I just shook my head slowly. "I already did." I replied and he looked at me, confused.

"Huh? I thought you don't eat in your house." He said and I just smiled. "Yes, I don't eat breakfast in my house, but that is not what I meant. What I meant is.... I already ate my breakfast and that is the apple you gave me." I explained and he just stared at me in disbelief again.

"Seriously? Today is the Chunin Exams. You need to have as much energy as you can because today is the day!" He said happily and I just giggled at his cute personality.

"Sasuke-chan, don't worry because I am totally fine! I'm not hungry at all and a single apple would do!" I said and he just shrugged. "If you say so." He muttered and I stood up. "You done, Sasuke-chan?" I asked and he nodded.

"Let's go." He said and we both went to the place where the first part of the Chunin Exams will be held.


We arrived and I saw a group of Genins in front of a random door with a sign that says. Umm..... 301?? I know that we just climbed the second flight of stairs. Not the third one.

I was awaken from my thoughts when a girl was kicked and landed in front of me. "Oh my! Daijoubu desu ka? (Are you okay?)" I asked as I kneeled down and put her head on my lap. "I'm.... I-I'm okay....." She said clutching her stomach and I just looked at the one who kicked her. "Eh? Both of you look like Izumo-chan and Kotetsu-chan." I muttered to myself as I helped the girl stand up.

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