Chapter 11 ~Err... Short Chap!~

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Yuki's POV

I'm feeling a lot better!! It had been a few days since I got out of that hospital! Ugh! I really hate hospitals! The doctors and nurses give me the creeps! Anyway, I stretched and looked at the mirror. My wounds and cuts healed fast, so as my bones! They are back to normal! Remind me of drinking milk always.

"Aaaa.... What a lovely day." I said to myself as I looked at the window. Awhile ago, I am in the bathroom and now next to my bed! Teleport huh?! Nope! It's just me!

I did my morning routine except eating breakfast, of course! I eat at Sasuke's house, remember? Oh and by the way, we kinda uhh.... Umm.... We are...... Dating. Anyway, I wore a light green V-neck shirt with longsleeves, very dark green knee-length shorts, black gloves, and my black ninja sandals.

I bandaged my scars as always, and put a small clip on my hair. The design is a cute kunai knife with a red bow tied on the handle. It's on the right part of my hair. And yeah. It looks cute.

To summarize it, I climbed out my window and walked towards Sasuke's house.

After the morning greeting and all, he welcomed me inside his house and then, we ate our breakfast which consists of ham and cheese sandwiches. Yum!

"So, what are you going to do today, Sasuke-kun?" I asked and he thought for a moment. "I'm going to train with Kakashi-sensei. How about you?" Uhh.... Actually, I don't know. I won the match against Gaara and I am fighting this Yuro guy. "Umm. I think I am going to train as well." I said while getting interested in my feet.

"With whom?" He asked and I thought for a minute. "You're training with Kakashi-sensei, Naruto-chan is training with Ebisu-sensei, no news about Sakura-chan, soo.... I think I am going to train with Chiru-san, Dararu-chan, and Dhean-chan." I said while smiling.

He frowned and I raised an eyebrow. "Hm? What's wrong, Sasuke-kun?" I asked and he shook his head. "Nothing, nothing. Anyway, I need to go." He said and I nodded. "But I am going to walk you towards their place first." He finished while scratching the back of his head. "But I don't know where they are." I said and he looked at me in disbelief. "Then how are you going to train with them?"

"I don't know. I'll find them, Sasuke-kun. Don't walk me anymore. It's fine. You can go now." I said with a warm smile and he sighed. "Alright. Go straight home after that training and be careful." He said and walked out the house. "Hai! (Yes) I will! Sayounara (Goodbye), Sasuke-kun!" I yelled while waving my hand. "Bye."

I washed the plate I used, then, I walked outside. "Now how am I going to find them? He said that he'll be right by my side." I muttered to myself.

"BOOO!!!" Someone yelled behind me and I kinda' screamed, blushing hard in embarrassment. I turned around just to see the one I was finding. "Ne! (Hey) Chiru-san! Don't scare me like that!!" I yelled and he chuckled.

"Nope! Never again!" He said while putting an arm around my shoulder. I smiled and started to walk again. "Soo, where are Dararu-chan and Dhean-chan?" I asked. "They are eating some ramen." He said and I just nodded. "Umm..... What are you planning to do today?" I asked.

"Maybe train."

"Ooooh.... Okay."

"How about you?"

"Train too. Oh and about that, can I train with you guys?"

"Yeah, sure!"

"Hey Dhean! Dararu!!" He yelled and the two looked at us. We walked towards the oh-so-famous ramen stand and the two of them continued eating like they didn't even hear Chiru. "Hey!" He yelled again and hit the both of them on the head.

They glared menacingly at Chiru and..... "WHAT!?!?!!" They both yelled in unison and I mentally sweatdropped.

"Stop eating already and let's train!! You've eaten twenty bowls of ramen already!!" He yelled while an angry mark/vein appeared on his forehead. "Hey! I just ate ten bowls!" Dararu yelled back at him. "And can't blame us! This ramen is heaven!! I mean..... We don't have any kind of food like this at home!" Dhean butted in.

"Ugh. You can still eat tomorrow, you know! Let's train!!" Chiru said. Then, he held both of their collars and dragged them away from the ramen stand. "Hey!" They complained.

Sasuke's POV

I hid as I watched the four of them walk towards the training grounds. That Chiru! He said that he will not steal Yuki from me! Then why did he put his arm around her?!! Ugh!! "Heh! Let's go!!" Dararu yelled while fist-pumping the air.

"Okay! I'll spar with Yuki!" Chiru said while putting an arm around her again! I growled as Yuki blushed lightly. "Ooooh..... Okay!!" Dhean and Dararu said at the same time.

"Let's start!" Chiru said while taking position. "H-Hai! (Right)" Yuki yelled, taking position as well. Then, the spar began.

Yuki's POV

"Wind style: Giant typhoon!" I yelled while doing some handsigns. A gigantic typhoon formed and attacked Chiru. He jumped away from its way and did a few handsigns. "Earth style: Rock army shield!" He yelled and a giant wall thingy came out from the ground and stopped my typhoon. Nice shield! And hey, I think that needs a lot of chakra!

I smirked and threw a lot of shurikens, then, did a few handsigns. "Fire style: Flaming shurikens!" I yelled and blew fire from my mouth to those shurikens.... And woosh! The shurikens are flaming!

It didn't fly towards Churi though! It flew towards Dararu!! What the?!

"AAHHHH!!" He yelled as he got stuck onto a tree, his clothes starting to burn. "Eep! A-Ah! Water style: Raging waves!" I yelled and water came out from my mouth and went straight to Dararu, making him soaking wet.

After that, he glared at me while his eye twitched. I smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of my head.

"YUKIIIII!! Why did you attack me?!?!?!!" He yelled and I flinched. "E-Eh! I didn't!! The shurikens were supposed to go straight to Chiru but it didn't! And I don't know why!" I yelled and he rolled his eyes.

Dhean removed the shurikens from Dararu's clothes and we continued our training.

And that's how everyday goes.

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