Chapter 20 ~Back To The Leaf Village!~

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Yuki's POV

I arrived and ran straight to my house. Hey. I never cough out blood eversince I stayed with Deidara and the others! Cool!

Oh and tomorrow is the final exam!! I must rest.

When I arrived, I climbed the tree near our house and went into my room via my window. I went into the bathroom and took a bath. After that, I wore my beautiful-yet-simple white midriff shirt. I'm in my house so yeah. No one will see me like this anyway..... And I wore my black knee-length shorts.

Then, I lied down on my bed.











"Yuki!!" Someone yelled and I jolted out of bed just to see Ino and Sakura in my window. "Wha? What are you doing here?" I asked and they grinned. "Come with us! We will be eating some barbeque!! Don't worry 'cause girls are the only ones allowed!" Ino said with a grin and I just stared at them.

"Now, let's go!!" They both said in unison and they literally dragged me out of my room. I should've closed my window! "N-No! Chotto matte! (Wait a minute) I still need to change my clothes!!!" I said, but they ignored me. They dragged me until we arrived at the barbeque place.

They made me sit down and I just looked at them, dumbfounded. "Sooo?? What do you want to eat?" Ino asked and I just ignored them. They also invited Hinata and Tenten. Tsk. "Seriously, I need to go home. Tomorrow is the final exam. I need to rest." I said and they all stared at me.

"Hmp! You're the only one who passed out of all the girls here." Sakura said and I sighed. "Sakura and Ino were a tie, Temari defeated Tenten, and finally, Neji defeated Hinata. Atleast you did your best." I said, my head lowered.

Yes, I didn't pay any attention but hey! I still knew who won and lost.

"B-But!! You were able to defeat Gaara!! G-Gaara of the Sand!!" Hinata yelled and she lowered her head as she shrunk down on her seat. "Tsk. It's no big deal. The only clue how to defeat Gaara is by not giving up and believing that you'll be able to defeat him. You will not be able to defeat him if you are..... Scared of him." I said and Ino stood up.

"No! Gaara is the one everybody fears!! And they said that he returned from every mission with no scratch or anything! He must be that strong!! And.... And they said that he kills people without hesitation!" Ino said, obviously getting scared.

I slowly shook my head as I smiled at her. "Have you ever wondered why he is like that?" I asked and she gasped, but then, shook her head. "There is a reason why he is like that, so don't just jump into conclusions. Yes. He may be unforgivable because he already took many lives.... But talk to him and understand him first before thinking a bad opinion about him. Everything has a reason." I said and it looks like she understood me because she sat back down with a sigh.

"I guess you're right...... But how can I talk to him? He'll just kill me before I can even get near him." She muttered and I smiled. "I once talked to him..... Because I wanted to know the reason why he became like that." I said and all of their eyes landed at me with so much interest.

"Really?! What happened?! Did he tell you?! What did he say?!" They all said in unison..... Again.... And I can't help but sweatdrop.

"He-" I was cut off when someone called my name. "Oh Yuki! I haven't seen you in awhile!!" Kiba said as Akamaru barked. I looked at him and smiled. "Konnichiwa (Hello), Kiba-chan! Akamaru-chan! Shikamaru-chan! Choji-chan! Shino-chan!!" I said and Kiba looked at us.

"Oh we didn't know that you have a girl meeting right here! Hahaha!!" Kiba laughed and Sakura hit his head. "None of your business!!" She said and all of them laughed, except for Shino.

I took that as an opportunity to run outta' there. Good thing, they didn't see my clothes because of the table. Thank you, table! You're a real life saver!!


I fell down when I accidentally bumped on someone. I immediately stood up and bowed. "G-Gomennasai! (Sorry)" I said and received nothing, so I looked up just to see Neji. "Oh! Konnichiwa (Hello), Neji-chan!! Gomennasai (Sorry) about awhile ago! It was my fault since I was not looking to where I was going." I said and he just stared.

I gulped and smiled at him. "Well, I need to go. See ya'!" I said and ran towards my house, but.....

"COME BACK HERE!!!" Ino and Sakura yelled as they chased me. "O-Oh no!" I said, then, I ran and ran with them hot on my heels. Gosh. It's so embarrassing! Everybody is looking at me!! My clothes are so embarrassing!!

"N-Nani!?!! (What?)" I yelled in disbelief when Sakura managed to hold my elbows and arms.

"Eh? Yuki?" Someone said and I looked at the direction where the voice was coming from, just to see Chiru. "Hey! Let Yuki go!" Someone said and removed Sakura's hands from my arms and elbows, freeing me.

I turned around just to see Dhean arguing with Sakura, and Ino...... Umm.... Kinda' chasing Dararu. Hehe. Guys. I've never seen you in awhile.

"Hey." Chiru said and I looked at him. "Long time no see, Chiru-san." I said and he put an arm around my shoulder. "Yeah. Where have you been? I was worried since I haven't seen you around the village for weeks." He said and I lowered my head.

"I was not here. I went to a nearby village and trained there..... Now, I am strong!" I said with a grin and he chuckled as he ruffled my hair. "Yeah! But not strong enough to beat me!!" He said with a smirk and my grin turned into a mocking smirk as well. "Let's see about that!" I said and he ruffled my hair once more.

"Nahh. Maybe some other time." He said.

Dararu wolf-whistled as he looked at me up and down. Then, realization hit me pretty hard. I am still wearing my MIDRIFF SHIRT!!!!

I screamed in terror and kicked him on the face. Then, I threw smoke bombs. I took that as an opportunity to run home and no one's gonna' stop me this time!! I ran and ran and ran. I tripped many times already, but I always stand up and continue running.

Then, I climbed the tree beside my house and jumped inside my room. I closed my window, then, my curtains, then, I covered it with paper (using Konan's jutsu), then, I covered it with wood (using the power of Shiroi), then, I lied down on my bed and released a long sigh.

"What a day."

I need to rest and relax. No need to get stressed.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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