Chapter 23 ~Four Words From Sasuke~

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Yuro's POV

"Yuki!!" I yelled as I caught her before she fall on the ground. "Oh no. She used up almost all of her chakra." Sakura said as she held Yuki's hand. "Let's go back now." Naruto said and we all nodded, then, we looked at the Sand Siblings.

"Let's go. All of us." I said with a smile and they all stared at me. "Come on." I said as I carried Yuki bridal style.

Then, we went back, along with the Sand Siblings.


Yuki's POV

"WHAT!?!?!! I couldn't even get to say goodbye to Gaara-chan!" I yelled as I glomped on my brother. "Eh?! What are you doing?! Get back to bed!" He said as he carried me bridal style, then, he threw me on my bed. LITERALLY.

Actually, when he finished explaining what happened when I blacked out, I particularly removed all those wires connected to my body and then, glomped on him. Seriously! He should've woke me up! Now, I couldn't even get to say goodbye to my friend! Tsk! That Yuro! "Nii-san! (Big brother) You should've told Gaara-chan to wait until I wake up! I want to talk to him!!" I yelled as I tackled him again.

"And I don't want to stay here in the hospital!!!" I yelled as I was about to jump out the window. "No! Stay here!!" He said as he held me back by my collar. I screamed and ran out of the hospital room.

"YUKI!!! GET BACK HERE, YOUNG LADY!!!" He yelled and I ran and ran until.....

I accidentally bumped on someone. I bowed and apologized. "Gomennasai! (Sorry)" I said and looked at the person I bumped on. "Sasuke-kun." I muttered. He looked away and walked passed me.



I covered my mouth as tears poured down my face..... Did I do something wrong?

Suddenly, I felt a familiar burning sensation in my chest and I ran towards the bathroom, then, I coughed my throat out. "Oh Yuki!" Someone said and I immediately splashed some water on my face, to remove my tears.

I turned around just to see Dhean. "Konnichiwa (Hello), Dhean-chan." I said and noticed that she is wearing a black robe. "What's with the black robe, Dhean-chan?" I asked and she lowered her head. "The third Hokage died fighting a guy named Orochimaru. I, along with Dararu and Chiru, want to mourn for his death even though we don't live here. Oh and by the way, we will be leaving later." She said and I lowered my head.

Hokage-sama is...... Dead?

"Can I come with you, Dhean-chan?" I asked and she nodded. "Here. Wear this. I went here to visit you and good thing, I brought this extra robe with me." She said and handed me a black robe. I wore it and we went to the place where everybody is..... Well, not actually everybody....

"I can't believe that the Hokage would get beaten by his own student." Dhean said and I gasped. "Orochimaru was his student?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah. I heard that from the other ninjas here." She said and I just continued to walk.


After putting a flower on Hokage-sama's grave, I went back to my house, remembering Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun...... Are you mad at me?" I asked myself as I felt my face wet. Tsk. I'm crying again. That's why I hate these emotions and feelings.... Being hurt emotionally is much worse than being hurt physically.

"I'm not mad." Someone said as an arm made its way around my shoulders. I looked behind me just to see Sasuke.

"Then..... Then why did you ignore me?" I asked and he held my hand as we walked towards who-knows-where. "I was just thinking something." He said and I lowered my head. Yeah. No need to be sad, Yuki. He was just thinking..... Something.

"Nevermind that. Wanna' eat some ramen? My treat." He said with his oh-so-famous-Uchiha smirk. I smiled and nodded. Then, we went to the oh-so-famous-Ichiraku ramen. "Two bowls of ramen please." He said and Teuchi started to cook it. "You know, Yuki, don't be sad anymore. It doesn't suit you." Sasuke said as he looked at me.

I smiled at him and played with my chopsticks. "I'm not sad. To be honest, I am happy because I am with you right now." I said as I felt my cheeks getting hotter. I heard him chuckle and I just lowered my head.

"Oh. I didn't know that you love me that much." He said and I blushed crazily as I looked at him. Then, he laughed and placed an arm around my shoulder. "Haha! I'm just kidding." He said as he laughed more. "Such a cute couple!" Teuchi commented as he placed the bowls of ramen in front of us. "W-We are not a couple....." I whispered.

"I know right?" Sasuke said while eating his ramen and I blushed once more, but I managed to eat my ramen though. Tsk. This bipolar Uchiha!

When we finished, he paid for it and we went to who-knows-where again :/

"What do you want to do?" He asked and I shrugged. "I don't know." I said and he held my hand. "Aha! I know what to do! Let's go!" He said and dragged me somewhere. Then, we arrived at a random shop and we went inside.

I took a walk around and saw a beautiful necklace. It's the kanji for love with a pad lock designed on the middle, and the other one is a key. It's a necklace for a couple. I'll buy this for us. "Want that?" Sasuke asked, appearing out of nowhere and I looked at him. "I was about to buy it." I said and he took it from me.

"Let me buy it for you." He said as he paid for it in the counter. Then, he put the necklace with the pad lock around my neck and he wore the other. "There. I'm the key to your heart." He said with a smirk and I blushed.

"It's not a heart. It's a lock, a pad lock." I said and he shook his head as he held my hand. "Nahh. It's just the same." He said and he walked me home.

When we arrived......

"So..... Goodbye, Yuki." He said and I waved my hand. "Sayounara (Goodbye) and..... Arigatou guzaimasu (Thank you very much) for this necklace." I said and he hugged me. I just stiffened. He never hugged me before. "You're welcome, Yuki..... And hey guess what?" He asked and I looked at him.

"I love you too." He said and suddenly kissed me on the forehead. Then, he ran away, leaving me there without a soul.

He what?

I climbed the tree and jumped inside my room like a zombie. Then, I closed my window and so as the curtains..... He what?

'I love you too.' Those words kept repeating and repeating in my head as I face-planted on my bed.

"I love you more." I whispered.

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