Chapter 3 ~Meeting Naruto~

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It has been 5 years ever since Yuki saw Itachi and Sasuke. She is now 12 years old. She got tired of waiting, too. That's why, she killed her hopes, gave up, and told herself that they are not going to come back again.

Yuki's POV

I opened the window and climbed out, climbing onto the long and thick branches of the tree near our house. I'm tired of always getting stuck in that torturous jail called house. I want to explore the world and learn things, but.... I'm just too shy to do it. I don't have enough confidence and self-esteem.... And luck.

Well, that's me.

I hummed a random tune as I watched the beautiful sunrise.

"Hey mother, hey father, I wonder where the both of you are right now. Are you okay there? I really want to see you two and know more about you." I said to particularly no one and simply looked at the clear sky. I closed my eyes as I leaned on the trunk, letting the cold morning breeze blow past me.

"Hey you!!" Someone called loudly, and out of curiosity, I opened my eyes and saw a masked guy. My gaze quickly shifted from thing to thing around me, and I immediately realized that nobody is here besides from the two of us.

"Uhh me?" I asked dumbly as I pointed a finger at myself, and he nodded. Geez. How am I going to know who he's calling if he has a mask on?! He sure is facing my direction, but it's still better to be safe than sorry.... Better be sure than get embarrassed.

"Have you seen a boy around here? With blond hair and blue eyes? He is wearing an orange jumpsuit and has goggles on! He also has whiskers on his face!" The man yelled, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Umm.... No." I muttered and shook my head.

"Oh okay. Thank you!!" He yelled again and dashed off. Hmm.... Weird.

"Hello!!" Someone exclaimed behind me, and I kinda' screamed in shock.

I saw who the man is finding a while ago. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Whiskers. Orange jumpsuit. Goggles.

"Woah woah!" He said, startled, as I almost fell. Good thing, he held my arm in time and pulled me up so I can sit on the branch again.

"T-Thank you." I stuttered as I blushed in embarrassment.

"Uhh..... No problem....?" He said, and that came out more like a question than a response.

"Umm..... W-Why is that man finding you?" I asked.

Well, I can't help not to stutter! I am not used to talk to strangers!! And I always blush for every little thing! I don't know why!! It's just me! And I always feel so embarassed every time I talk to someone, except for my parents.

"Ohh! Hehe!! I just painted that!" He cheerfully and victoriously exclaimed like a champion while pointing a finger at the Hokage Monument, a mountain that has all of the Hokages' faces carved onto the stone, and there..... I saw.........

Gosh!! What did he do?!?!! It's full of paintings! It looks horrible!! Some even looks like there's snot coming out of its nose!! Just by looking at it makes me feel ashamed!

My eyes remained wide as I looked frighteningly at the blond dude.

"Oh my! Why did you do that?" I asked in disbelief as my embarassment slowly disappeared.

"Hehe!! It's fun!" He chirped while doing a goofy grin.

I just shook my head and sighed.

"Hey, think about it, I haven't seen you around here. Are you new?" He asked, and I just shook my head once more.

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