Chapter 17 ~Training With Deidara!~

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Yuki's POV

"Rise and shine hm!!" Deidara yelled as he jumped on my bed, I mean, his bed. "Ugh." I said as I covered my face with a pillow. "Come on, Yuki! Training time hm!!!" He said and I jolted up. "Oh yes!" I said and did my morning routine..... Except eating breakfast.

I ran towards the kitchen and slammed the door open. "Ohayou guzaimasu (Good morning), everyone!!" I yelled and they all looked at me. Pain, Konan, Itachi, Kisame, Sasori, Tobi, Kakuzu. So..... The ones who are not yet here are Hidan, Deidara, and Zetsu. I wonder where they are. Hmm.

Tsk. I made a shadow clone and she cooked our breakfast. I walked outside the kitchen and stood in the middle of the hallway.

"WAKE UP, EVERYBODY!!! BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and a random door flew open. "You, b- girl!! Keep your f- mouth shut!!" Hidan said and I laughed. Yeah. I told him not to curse or else I will feed him to Zetsu.

"Breakfast is ready, Hidan-chan! Don't let it get cold!" I said as I walked towards the garden. I opened it and there I saw Zetsu watering his plants. "Zetsu-chan! Breakfast is ready!" I said cheerfully and he looked at me.

"Is it a human?" - Black Zetsu

"Shut up! I will be coming, Yuki." - White Zetsu

"No, I will not if it's not a human!" - Black Zetsu

"Umm. It's not a human." - Me

"Then, I won't come." - Black Zetsu

"I will come, Yuki. Go on ahead." - White Zetsu

"Okay! I will be waiting in the kitchen!" - Me

He nodded and I ran towards Deidara's room, closing the door on the way. "Deidara-chan!" I yelled as I kicked the door open. There he is..... On his bed..... Fixing his hair. "Err..... Breakfast is ready." I said and he looked at me.

"Wait a minute. I'm still doing something hm." He said and I grinned. "Let me help you with that." I said, then, I fixed his hair.

After that, we went into the kitchen and sat down on the vaccant chairs. My clone placed two ham and cheese sandwiches on everybody's plate and we started to dig in. "Yum! This is delicious!" I said to myself as I ate more.

After a few minutes. "Yuki! Let's train hm!" Deidara said and I nodded excitedly. "Hai! (Right)" I said and ran outside the hideout, Deidara hot on my heels. "Come on, follow me hm." He said as he walked away from the hideout. "Hai! (Yes)" I said and trailed behind him.

We arrived and I can't help but gasp, I mean, it's so wide!! This is the perfect place to train! It's oh-so-wide!!! "Woah. Deidara-chan." I said and he pushed my unexpectedly-open mouth upwards, closing it. "Heh! Surprise! We will train you here from now on hm!" He exclaimed and I hugged him as I grinned. "Arigatou!!! (Thank you)"

"No problem! So..... Shall we start hm?"

"Hai! (Yes)"

"First. The basics hm."

"Eh? I already know that. Teach me how to do those explosive thingys!"

"Ehehe. You learning how to do it..... Is impossible. Sorry, Yuki hm."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I have this kekkei genkai..... Called Explosion Release hm."


"And I have these handmouths hm."


"Which is needed to make explosive clays hm."

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