Chapter 24 ~Hello Kisame-chan! Itachi-chan!~

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Yuki's POV

I looked at my necklace and smiled as memories came flashing back into me.

'I love you too.'

I shook my thoughts off and jumped out of the window. I should go back to my brother. He must be really worried right now. Hehe.

As I was about to walk towards the hospital, I saw Sasuke running with a...... With a serious face. So, out of curiosity, I followed him using my bird. I molded some clay and made a huge bird. I used that to follow him from above and without him knowing.

He ran out of the village and I continued to follow him until we ended up in another village. He was running and running, but stopping every minute to talk to some of the villagers. Maybe asking some directions. I wonder what's that boy up to. Then, he entered a random.... Uhh..... Hotel? I think. I made my bird shrunk and I landed swiftly on the roof of the hotel.

I placed the bird inside my pocket and ran, following Sasuke.

I ended up in a..... Wait.....

"Itachi-chan! Kisame-chan! Long time no see!!" I yelled happily as I ran towards them, giving them a hug. "Hey kid!" Kisame said with his toothy grin and I grinned at him as well. "Guess what? I passed!" I said cheerfully and Kisame ruffled my hair. "I told you you'll pass!" He said and I looked at Itachi, who isn't saying a single word.

"Hm? Hello? Itachi-chan?" I asked. Then, I remembered something. Sasuke is Itachi's little brother! And now they saw each other! Wait.... Shouldn't they be happy?

"Yuki! Get away from them!!" Sasuke yelled angrily as he gritted his teeth, glaring at Itachi as the said man just stared at his brother. "Huh? What's happening here?" I asked. "Yuki!" Someone said and I saw Naruto. "Oh Naruto-chan!" I said while smiling at him.

"Umm..... Kisame-chan, what's happening?" I asked and he dragged me a little far away from them. "It's like this..... Sasuke hates Itachi because Itachi slaughtered his whole clan leaving him, his little brother." Kisame whispered and I gasped. Then, memories of Sasuke crying and telling me those came flashing back like a video clip. "Why would Itachi-chan do that anyway? What's his real reason? He isn't a bad person, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah.... And he secretly loves Sasuke, but he made Sasuke hate him so that he will kill him." He said and I raised my eyebrow. He isn't making any sense. "Huh?" I said and he facepalmed. "Itachi told Sasuke that he must have enough hatred to kill him." He said and I said "Ohh..... Wait what?!" No. Scratch that. I kinda' yelled.

Suddenly, I gasped when Sasuke hit the wall, Itachi holding his neck. "Itachi-chan! Stop this!" I yelled as I ran towards them.... But Kisame held me back. "No, kid. Don't interfere. It's a brother thing." He said and I sighed.

"Yeah, you're right..... But I can't let Sasuke get hurt!" I said and he looked at me. "Why? You like him, don't you?" He said with a smirk and I blushed hard. "It's not like that." I muttered and he laughed while ruffling my hair again. "I can't believe that Yuki is already a big girl!!" He said and I puffed my cheeks out.

Then, I saw the walls turning into a some kind of..... The insides of an animal or something.... And Sasuke's getting sucked into it! Eww.

"Kisame, let's go." He said and I waved a hand at them. "Sayounara! (Goodbye) Kisame-chan! Itachi-chan! Tell the others that I passed!!" I yelled and Kisame fake saluted me as he grinned. They escaped by burning the wall using Amaterasu.

Jiraiya appeared out of nowhere and I looked at Sasuke. Then, Might Guy appeared out of nowhere as well and he carried him. Let's just say that I have a hobby of gathering informations.

"Yuki, have you met them?" Jiraiya asked and I nodded. "Yep! And they are like my family now! They also taught me many cool stuffs!" I said and noticed Jiraiya's eyes slightly widen. "Just.... Stay away from them. They are criminals." He said and I just shrugged.

"Come on, Guy-sensei! Let's go back!" I said and followed him. "Yosh! Let the power of youth explode!" He said and I giggled at his comeback.

Then, we returned back to the village but.....

Something kept on bugging me.

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