Chapter 1 ~Meeting Sasuke And Itachi~

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Yuki's POV

I woke up and did my morning routine, which consists of taking a bath, brushing my teeth, wearing my everyday clothes, brushing my hair, and eating my breakfast. I wore my simple blue shirt with a pair of matching black knee-length skirt and a pair of black shoes. Then, I ate my breakfast, which was a slice of bread and an apple. Hmm..... Good enough.

There is a saying that An apple a day, keeps the doctor away, and believe me or not, I totally hate doctors. It's just that..... They are so creepy.

Asking me how I got my medicines? It wasn't actually the accurate medicine for my illness. It's a medicine to stop myself from violently coughing out blood and to prevent myself from destroying my throat from coughing too much, and that was pretty helpful. I saw it in a store that sells medicinal drugs and herbs when I bought groceries three months ago..... And yeah, I bought it even without a prescription from a creepy thing called doctor.

It's still early, and I bet they are still sleeping, since the house is still quiet.

I went outside, carefully closing the door and gate in the process, and became quiet enough to keep them asleep. It's my second time going outside. It's just that.... I am always busy, but today, I am not. It's my free time!

I skipped happily towards my favorite tree, which is a little far away from my house. I love it when it's quiet and peaceful like this. I seriously hate noises and crowded places, and I am not that sociable. I don't even have any friends!

I climbed the tree and sat on the highest branch. Up there, I saw the whole village, and it's so beautiful!

"Aww come on, Nii-san!! Please!" I heard a voice whine.

Hmmm..... By judging the voice, it's like it was from a young boy. Well, maybe it was!! And yes, it actually was!!

I victoriously screamed in joy in my mind for being right as my gaze remained glued on the boy, who looks like he has the same age as me. He's currently following another boy who looks a little older than us.

"Hm? Who are they? It's so early to be roaming around town." I whispered to myself, and to my surprise, the older boy abruptly stopped walking. His gaze landed on my sitting figure, and that immediately made me blush and hide myself behind the trunk of the tree. I heard him chuckle a bit, and it was followed by a cute laughter.

"Hey Nii-san!! Do you know who she is? And why is she hiding? Hahahahahh!" I heard the younger boy ask as he laughed more, causing my face to turn even redder. I'm not used to people talking to me and talking about me.

Others say that I am shy and fragile. I always blush, but can't blame me! That is just.... Well..... That is just me!

"Hey there.... Don't be shy." The older one said in a soothing tone, and I slowly peeked from my hiding place. His near face greeted me, and it's seriously an inch away from mine.


I screamed and almost fell from the tree but he quickly caught me.

Oh my gosh! How did he....?

"Hahaha! Sorry about that." He said with a bright smile. He jumped down from the tree, bringing me with him, and carefully placed me down on the ground when he landed.

"I'm Itachi Uchiha and thi—" The younger boy interrupted him as he gave me a thumbs-up.

"And I am Sasuke Uchiha!" He exclaimed.

I smiled at his goofiness and simply bowed down in respect, which likely made them confuse.

"I am Yuki. It's nice to meet the both of you." I said and stood up straight.

The older boy, or should I say Itachi, looked at me from head to toe.

"You can be a ninja, you know." He commented, and I..... What?!

"Uhhm...." I trailed off as I looked directly at my feet.

A ninja? Me? How can I be a ninja?

"Come on! We'll tell your parents, and we can be classmates!" Sasuke exclaimed in excitement and joy, and I was about to protest when he suddenly dragged me towards my house.

Heeeey. How did he know my house? Well..... Scratch that.

He stopped and scratched his head.

"Uhh..... Oh yes. Can you show me the way?" He asked, and me being me, I followed his command..... Or whatever that is...? And led him to my house.

There, I saw my mother. She's watering her plants and flowers in our front yard.

"Hey there, Miss!!" Sasuke yelled, pertaining to my mother, and I stiffened a little. Itachi simply chuckled at how Sasuke called out to my mother. She looked at Sasuke and glanced at me for a second.

She put on a fake smile as she stood up straight.

"Ohhh..... How may I help you? Has my..... Daughter..... Been bugging you?" She asked nonchalantly. The word daughter was full of disgust and hesitation, and it was kinda' obvious.

"No. She isn't bugging us. We would just like to ask you for your permission. We suggest that Yuki should study in the Academy and be a ninja." Itachi said in a kind manner, a bright smile crawling up his face afterwards, and my mother flinched, but it was barely noticeable.

And she being herself, she agreed. Actually, she doesn't know how to say NO to other people.

"Uhh yeah, sure..... That would be great!" She forced out with fake joy and delight lurking in her voice and laughed nervously right after.

Ugh. Yuki, get ready for her wrath later.

This will be a little bloody.

Just great.

Thanks a lot, Sasuke and Itachi. Thanks a lot.

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