Chapter 14 ~Staying With The Akatsuki!!~

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The Akatsuki hideout is made up again!! =^.^=


Yuki's POV

I am now standing in front of a huge rock with.... Umm.... A paper thingy on the middle. "Woah. What's this?" I asked and Deidara chuckled. "Here we are hm." She said and Sasori did a few handsigns, then, he touched the rock and the rock itself moved upwards a little.

We walked inside and the entrance was blocked again by the gigantic rock. Inside, I saw a strange statue. It's like a weird face with many eyes and it's hands are in front of it. "Eh? What's with the statue?" I asked and Sasori shook his head a little. "You ask too many questions." He said and I sweatdropped. "I just asked two. It's few to me." I muttered.

(Made up! :D)

Sasori walked towards the wall near the statue and he did some handsigns once again. He also touched the wall and a part of it moved upwards, creating an opening. We walked inside and.... Woah!

As we walked, the hallway seems to get bigger and bigger! This is awesome!!

We passed a few doors and Sasori stopped at a random one. He opened it and I saw.... What is this? Is this even a room?? My eyes just widened as I saw the so-called room of theirs. Nice.

There are two beds, far away from each other, the other part of the room was full of white thingys! Some are stuck on the small wooden table beside the bed, some on the wall and some on the floor!! That side.... It's like a war happened here! There are small dents on the wall! It's like bombs exploded there! I think that is Deidara's!! It must be!

The other part was a little clean, except for the small wood pieces scattered on the floor and different tools on the wooden table near the bed in a messy situation. There are also small droplets of violet liquid on the floor and table. That must be Sasori's.

"Hehe! Sorry if our room is a mess! Don't worry 'cause we will clean that hm!" Deidara said while scratching the back of her head.

"Oh. I'll help, Deidara-chan." I said with a smile and both of them stared at me like I ate a plate or something. "Err.... Nevermind. Let's start!" I said and cleaned Deidara's side first. I removed those white thingys on the wall, table and floor. Man, was it hard!

"Deidara-chan, what are these things anyway?" I asked and she helped me remove it. "It's my explosive clay hm." She said and I just raised an eyebrow. "Why would you do such a mess?" I asked again and she looked at me, dumbfounded. "I didn't mean to hm!" She yelled and I just shrugged. I don't know what she's talking about.

After cleaning, I turned around and was about to clean Sasori's side when I saw that it's already clean. "Oh Sasori-chan! You should've let me help you clean!" I said and he just looked at me. He is lying on his bed for some unknown reason. "You're taking too long so I decided to clean it myself. And besides, the mess weren't that many so it was not that hard." He said and I just smiled cheekily. "Gomennasai (Sorry) about that. Hehe. Deidara's side is just umm.... A little difficult to clean." I said and the said girl puffed out her cheeks.

"You said that I can stay here for awhile, right?" I asked and Sasori nodded. "Oh and since both of you are ninjas, can you train me please? Both of you?" I asked and they stared at me as I bowed.

"What for hm?" Deidara asked and I stood up straight. "For the last part of the Chunin Exams." I answered and they both looked at each other. What's with the silent conversation? "Alright. I don't know about Sasori though hm. Anyway, let's start tomorrow." Deidara said and I smiled. "Arigatou guzaimasu! (Thank you very much)" I said with a bow and she lifted my face up. "You're welcome and no need to bow, girly hm." She said with a wink......... Eh?!

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