Chapter 19 ~Yuki's Departure~

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Yuki's POV

It had been a few weeks since I stayed in here..... And I learned so many things.

Deidara. I learned how to make explosive bombs and how to mold clay even faster. He also taught me all of his jutsus and all about his powerful techniques.

Sasori. I learned how to control a puppet and how to make one. He taught me how to make my puppet attack, defend, and do jutsus. He also taught me how to make a human puppet, which is really disgusting in my opinion.

Kisame. I learned how to use a sword and what to do when getting attacked underwater. He taught me all of his water jutsus and the jutsus I can use whenever I am using a sword..... And I learned how to handle a sword with care.

Itachi. I learned how to escape powerful genjutsus. He also taught me his powerful fire techniques such as the fireball and others. I learned his..... What do you call that? Susano or something. Even though without the Mangekyō Sharingan, I can still do it, thanks to Itachi's blood.

Hidan. He taught me how to sacrifice someone to Jashin. Yeah I know. Lame. Anyway, I secretly took some blood from him, making me have some of his abilities, such as not feeling pain when inside the.... Circle and triangle thingy. Actually, he never trained me willingly.

Kakuzu. I learned only taijutsu from him..... But it's very useful. He taught me how to cross great distances in the blink of an eye and disappear from unfocused eyes. I also learned how to stop objects in an amazing speed with one hand and kick someone with no effort at all, but making that person fly. I learned how to do that all from his blood.

Zetsu. I learned...... Umm..... How to teleport .___.

Tobi. I learned how to..... You know? Nahh. It's just that.... When a person attacks me, he will go through me. Thanks to his blood.

Konan. I learned how to do the paper jutsus thingy.

Pain. Uhh..... I learned the gravity thingy.

So..... In the present time, I am fixing my things since I am returning back to the Leaf Village. "Deidara-chan! I will be leaving now!!" I yelled at my best friend. Yeah, I consider him as my best friend. I was about to open the door when he hugged me from behind and buried his face in my hair.

"I will miss you, Yuki hm. Please return." He said and I smiled. "Yes, I will, and don't worry, Deidara-chan, we will see each other soon." I said, turning around, then, I hugged him. "I hope so hm." He whispered. "Of course, we'll see each other! It's not yet the end of the world!" I said while grinning at him. He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Yeah."

"So..... Sayounara! (Goodbye)" I said and opened the door..... But.....

"HUHUHU!!!! YUKI-CHAAAAAAN!!! TOBI WILL MISS YOUUUUU!!!!" Tobi yelled as he tackled me to the ground. Anime tears rivering down his mask from the lone hole in there. I laughed and hugged him tightly. "I will miss you too, Tobi-chan." I said and planted a kiss on the middle of his mask.

Tobi and I have been friends. We always play silly games together, eat candies and sweet things together, make pranks and tricks together, getting shouted and yelled at together, getting chased by others together, and...... We did almost everything together.

It's like he is my own little brother.

Tobi and I stared at each other..... Then...... "I WILL MISS YOU, TOBI-CHAAAAAN!!!" I yelled as he yelled "TOBI WILL MISS YOU, YUKI-CHAAAAAAAN!!!!" while we hugged each other tightly, anime tears rivering down my face.

I sniffed and wiped my tears away. "Time to let go, Tobi-chan." I said and he did let go. I smiled at him and looked at Kisame.

"Goodbye, kid! Don't forget what I taught you!!" Kisame said and I nodded. "Of course, I won't forget!" I said back and smiled once more as I pointed the sword I bought, which is strapped on my back.

"Good thing, this b- girl is f- leaving!! I can't f- stand not f- cursing anymore!!!" Hidan yelled and I laughed. I suddenly hugged him and he stiffened when I did. Then, I let go. "Hidan-chan, I can't believe that you wanted me to leave all this time." I said with a smile. "N-No!! It's not like that...." He said while a tint of pink formed on his cheeks.

He is so cute and adorable.

I laughed as he looked away and stubbornly folded his arms on his chest. "Farewell, Yuki." Sasori said and I smiled. "Sasori-chan....." I muttered as I looked at him. I found his personality really wonderful. He is so calm yet so caring.

"Goodbye, Sasori-chan and Kisame-chan." I said as I hugged the both of them. Sasori looked away but didn't struggle and Kisame hugged back, but more tightly.

"Oh!! I remembered something! Kakuzu-chan!!!" I yelled and the said man came rushing towards me. I handed him a scroll and he raised his eyebrow. "What's this?" He asked and I smiled. "Open it." I said and he did what I told him to.

He opened it and poof!

Three sacks full of coins and two boxes full of bucks. I grinned..... Remembering what I was doing these past few days. Whenever I have a free time, I don't waste it and occupy that time by working in a nearby village secretly.

His eyes widened as he looked at me. "I-Is this what I think it is?" Kakuzu asked and I smiled. "Yep! I told you that I will help you earn more money, right? Now, that is the only thing I can give you. Gomennasai (Sorry). When I return back here, I will help you more for sure!!" I said with a determined grin.

He unexpectedly hugged me and my eyes widened as I stared at him in confusion. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can't believe that you still kept your promise! I thought that you already forgot it!" He said and let go.

"Nope! I don't go back on my word!" I said, copying Naruto.

"Goodbye, Yuki!" Zetsu said, appearing out of nowhere and I smiled at him. "Sayounara (Goodbye), Zetsu-chan!" I said.

I saw Pain and Konan, and I ran towards them. I tackled both of them as I smiled widely. "Sayounara (Goodbye), Pain-sama! Konan-chan! Arigatou guzaimasu (Thank you very much) for everything!!" I said and let go of them.

"You're welcome." Pain said and I noticed something. "Oh! Konan-chan!! How about your clothes?" I asked and looked at my bag. "Keep it, Yuki. Consider it as a remembrance." She said and I smiled. "Arigatou (Thank you), Konan-chan!!" I said while bowing and saw her smile a little.

I am currently wearing my light blue shirt with long sleeves and black knee-length shorts. Oh and I bought black gloves so I can hide my handmouth.

"Anyway, I need to go!" I said and teleported outside the hideout. They did as well. "GOODBYE, YUKI!!!!" They said in unison and I smiled as tears poured down my face. Okay. I'm a bit emotional alright.... But..... It's my first time to have a family.... To be loved like I am one of them..... And it really hurts me to leave them like this.

"SAYOUNARA (Goodbye), EVERYONE!!!!" I said and then, I gave them my warmest close-eyed smile. "YOU CAN DO IT!! WE ARE SURE THAT YOU WILL PASS THE TEST, YUKI!!! GOODLUCK!!!" They said in unison again and I laughed.

Did they practice that? Haha. "OF COURSE, I WILL!!! GOODBYE!" I said and then, I dashed off towards the Leaf Village.

It was the first time I said goodbye..... And this time it was not sayounara.....

Meaning? It came from deep deep deeeep within......

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