Chapter 12 ~Talking To Gaara~

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Sorry if the chaps are wrong! I haven't watched Naruto for awhile soo yah!

And oh! Yuki fought Gaara, right? I will just make something up :P

Enjoy! ~(^.^~)



Yuki's POV

I decided to visit the hospital. I heard that Lee fought Gaara after the preliminaries and I don't know why, and don't forget that I totally hate hospitals. I just want to see Lee.

Since I will not train today, I wore my everyday clothes which consists of a simple white T-shirt, my black knee-length shorts and, I don't want to wear my close shoes, so, I wore my black ninja sandals instead. My knees and lower left leg are bandaged since I have a lot of scars.

Anyway, time skip and I arrived.

I slowly opened the door without knocking because I know that Lee is probably asleep or something, and he shouldn't be disturbed, so I just barged in. There, I saw.... Gaara?! He is there inside, standing beside Lee's bed.

And.... Sand is slowly crawling up on Lee's face! "G-Gaara-chan?!?!!" I kinda' yelled and he looked at me, eyes wide. Oh and I forgot to tell you that Gaara was facing Lee awhile ago so he didn't see me come in.

"Yuki, what are you doing here?" He asked rather coldly and I shivered a little. "Umm.... I.... I w-would just like to visit Lee." I whispered and his glare hardened.

"And what are you doing to him?" I asked as I started to walk forward, my eyes full of determination. Better face your fears. Gaara's eyes widened and he gritted his teeth, that made me stop. "I must kill him." Okay. Wait what?! This time, my eyes widened and my heart beats rather faster than the normal one at the very moment. No, not the heartbeat when you see someone you like but it's like, I got worried and scared at the same time.

"N-Nani? (What?) Y-You can't do that!" I said, trying not to show him that I am afraid, but obviously it was a failure. He smirked and looked at me, that made me shiver again. Okay! Where did my determination go?! "How can you say so? I can kill anyone in a mere second, even you." He said menacingly.

"Then how come you weren't able to kill me in the preliminaries?" I asked and he growled. "Why? You wanted to die? Yeah. I can grant your wish." He said and sand flew towards me. "U-Uhh.... No...." I whispered as I closed my eyes tight.

Then, I realized something. There's no need to be afraid of him, Yuki. No need to fear him. He is not a monster or anything. He is a human just like us. And why do we have to be afraid of our own kind?

I opened my eyes just to see sand. Then, it slowly went back into his gourd. I saw Gaara look away and I just stared at him in confusion. Something's fishy. Sooo, I walked towards him and felt him stiffen a little. I looked at him straight in the eyes but he always looks away.

"Umm.... Ne (Hey), are you alright?" I asked as I stared worriedly at him. I know that he will not answer, so I just looked at Lee. I removed the small sand particles on his face and then, smiled.

"You know, Gaara-chan, Lee-chan is a very strong and determined child. During the time when he was still studying in the academy, he can't do any technique. Actually, he can't do any of that until now, but look at him. He still believes that even without ninjutsu or genjutsu, he can still be a strong ninja. He trains almost everyday. He doesn't know how and when to give up. Many people gave up already but he still continues to train and train. Yes, he can't even make a clone or do the transformation technique, but he ignored that and practiced the thing he is good at.... And that is taijutsu." I explained while still staring at Lee, smiling.

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