Chapter 16 ~Yuki's Arrival~

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Yuki's POV


I screamed when someone held my waist and kinda' pulled me with him. "Let go-!!" I was cut off when he covered my mouth. "Mhmghmhm!!" I tried to say something but I just can't!

I bit his hand and he removed it as he yelped in pain, but someone hit my pressure point.

Making me unconscious.......

Unknown POV

I hit her pressure point before she can even escape. Then, I caught her unconscious figure. "Heh! I can't believe that you got hurt by just getting bitten! Hahaha!" I laughed at Kuna. "I did not! It doesn't hurt at all!" He said as he folded his arms on his chest.

"Oh yeah? Then why did you let her go?" I asked with a smirk. "Excuse me! It was an accident that she slipped away from my grip! She was struggling!" He said and I laughed once more. "Hahaha!! Nonsense! Hahaha!" I said and he glared at me.

"Tsk! Nevermind that! Let's go before some of her friends find us." He said and I nodded.

Then, we jumped from tree to tree as I carried our.....


Sasuke's POV

"Come on, Sasuke. Try again." Kakashi-sensei said as I panted. I've been working for hours just to perfect this chidori! Argh!!

I did the handsigns and...... "Chidori!!" I yelled as I attacked the huge rock and made it crumble into pieces. "Good. You are getting the hang of it, Sasuke." Kakashi-sensei said with a smile and I managed to smirk a little even though I am almost out of chakra.

"Sasuke Uchiha." Someone said and I looked behind me just to see a man wearing a mask behind a huge rock, peeking. I turned around and took a kunai knife from my weapon pouch. "There have been rumors about you and a girl named Yuki going out, or should I say dating. Is it true?" He said and I can see him smirk under his mask. "Who are you and how much do you know about Yuki? Answer me." I said menacingly as I gritted my teeth and clutched my kunai knife tighter.

"Sasuke." I heard Kakashi-sensei call behind me and I just ignored him. "I'm no one special. So.... Is it true?" He asked and I growled. "No. Now leave me alone." I said as I threw the kunai knife towards him in a fast motion.

He pulled something from behind the rock and shielded himself with it. Wait..... "Yuki!!!" I yelled as the kunai knife I threw hit Yuki DEEP in the stomach. Blood trickled down her chin and I just watched, not moving a muscle.

"Yuki! Return her to us! Now!" Kakashi-sensei said as he ran towards them, about to attack. The man with the mask removed my kunai knife, which was stuck in Yuki's stomach awhile ago, and put it near Yuki's neck.

"Make one single move and I will slit her throat open." He said and my eyes widened. "K-Kakashi-sensei! Leave him to me!!" I said and ran towards him, chidori forming on my palm. He grinned and put the knife much nearer, making a cut on Yuki's neck, deep enough to make it bleed. I abruptly stopped and glared at him. I need to plan something or else Yuki will die.

"What do you want?" I asked, still glaring at him. "Hmm. The Sharingan will do." He said and my eyes widened once more. No way. I will never give him my Sharingan. Never. In a million years.

"No." I said and he chuckled. "It's like I asked you if you want Yuki to live and you disagreed. Alright. I'll grant your wish." He said and deepened the kunai knife. Yuki's white shirt turned into a red one as her blood flowed down her chest.

I need to do something!

"Don't you even dare hm!!" Someone yelled and BOOM!!! The rock which the masked man was using as a hiding place blew into pieces, making him and Yuki fly away.

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