Chapter 4 ~Moment With Sasuke~

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Yuki's POV

"SASUKE!?!?!!" I yelled and my hand automatically flew, covering my mouth. Iruka and the others stared at me and I think I shrunk in my seat.

"Oh? So you knew Sasuke already?" Iruka-sensei asked. Well, I am going to call him Iruka-sensei now because..... Uhh.... He is my sensei.

I nodded and hid myself. I don't know how I did that but I think I did.... Gets? I mean, I sat down and hid using my long hair as I clutched my black shorts tightly, like I will rip it into pieces any minute now. He continued lecturing Naruto, who is now sitting beside me until.... "We will do the transformation jutsu again!!" Iruka-sensei yelled and was followed by a lot of complains, protests, groans, and whines.

"Umm.... Sasuke-chan, what is this transformation jutsu?" I asked Sasuke, who is currently standing beside me. Actually, we already stood up and lined up, now I am next to him. "Umm.... Sasuke-chan, I just asked you a question." I said and once more, I was ignored as he did the transformation jutsu. I frowned and stood next to Naruto. What's up with that guy? I'm just asking a question!! Why is he ignoring me?! I'm going to talk to him later! Hmp!

"Naruto-chan, what is this transformation jutsu?" I asked the blondie who is grinning like an idiot. "Oh! Just do these handsigns, Yuki-chan! While doing it, you must think about the person you want to transform to. Then, say Transform!" He said as he showed me the handsigns.

"Arigatou guzaimasu!! (Thank you very much) Naruto-chan!" I said and he just grinned at me. "No problem, Yuki-chan!" I smiled at him. Now what. I know how to do it but.... I don't know if it will be successful.... So.....

"Umm.... Naruto-chan, will you uhh..... Show me where the bathroom is?" I asked nicely and he replied with an "Okay." He opened the door and pointed another door, which is a little far from our room. "That's the bathroom." He said and I nodded. "Arigatou! (Thank you)" I said and went straight to the said door, opened it, and went inside.

I looked at the mirror and released a long sigh. "Here goes nothing." I said as I performed the handsigns he showed me, which I unexpectedly memorized.

"Transform!" I said.

Then, poof! I looked at myself to see.... Well..... To see Naruto and not myself. I grinned and turned back to normal with a poof as well. "Transformation jutsu success!" I said.

I returned back to my room to, just to see a boy with dark brown hair transform into Iruka-sensei, then, he poofed back to normal and it's Naruto's turn. I ran and stood behind Naruto. That is where I'm supposed to line.... So yah.

"Transform!!" He yelled, then, poof!

He transformed into a naked girl with clouds covering her private parts, and this girl looks exactly like him.

Iruka-sensei got a massive nosebleed as he yelled at the now-back-to-normal-Naruto, who is laughing so hard. He wiped the blood from his nose and said "Next!" and that would be me. I released a long sigh to calm myself and stepped forward.

I did the handsigns and said "Transform!" and poof!

I turned into Iruka-sensei. He smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. "Good job, Yuki! Next!" He said and I sat back down on my seat.

After a few more students, we finished and Iruka-sensei said that classes are finally over. I stood up and waved a hand at Iruka-sensei as I walked out of the room. "Sayounara (Goodbye), Iruka-sensei! Sayounara (Goodbye), Naruto-chan!!" I said and they waved back.

Outside, I saw Sasuke walking home and I ran towards him. "Sasuke-chan!!" I yelled and he stopped.

"What is it, Yuki?" He asked coldy and harshly. He didn't even turn around to look at me! That's rude, you know!! Aaargh!! What's his problem?

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