Chapter 21 ~Yuro Vs Yuki!! All Abilities Put Together!~

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Yuki's POV

Today's the day!!

I jumped out of bed and ran straight to the bathroom, then, I did my morning routine, then, I slowly walked downstairs and saw no one, then, after a victory dance, I left my house, then, I ran towards Ichiraku ramen, then, I ordered a bowl, then, I ate it, then, I paid for it, then, I went to the stadiuuuuuum!

I looked around and saw all of them already there, except for Sasuke and Naruto. I wonder where they are.

I walked towards them and stood along with the others, in line. They stared at me and I lowered my head in annoyance and embarrassment. No need to look! I'm not yet late!!


Naruto arrived and the proctor decided to start the exams. First is Naruto vs Neji. We all walked towards the umm..... The place where we can watch the fight from above. "Wooo!! Go, Naruto-chan!!" I yelled as I sat down.

Then, fast-forwaaaaaard!! The match finished and Naruto won. I teleported down and gave him a hug. "Congratulations, Naruto-chan! That was awesome!" I said with a thumbs-up and grin. He did the same and ruffled my hair. "Thanks! And hey! I am gonna' be a Hokage someday! Believe it!!" He said and I nodded.

"I do believe in you, Naruto-chan!" I said with a smile.

"Next! Sasuke vs Gaara!" The proctor said and smile disappeared..... But Sasuke isn't here yet. Wait.... Gaara won?! What the..... "E-Excuse me!" I said as I raised my hand and the proctor looked at me.

"Please move Sasuke's match. I'm sure that he is just late." I said with a sheepish smile as the audience said "Yeah! Move Sasuke's match!!" Most of them said that they came here just to watch Sasuke's match and they don't want Sasuke to be disqualified just like that. We both won and I still can't believe it.

The proctor sighed. "Alright. We will move Sasuke's match to the very last! Now! Shino vs Kankuro!" He yelled and I released a sigh of relief. Good.

Me and Naruto teleported at the uhh..... Place where we can watch the match -__- I don't know what that is called!

"I-I withdraw!!" Kankuro yelled and I raised my eyebrow. "Eh? Why would he withdraw after passing the preliminaries and came as far as this? Tsk. Something fishy is going on here." I whispered to myself. "Maybe he is..... Hiding his techniques?" I muttered to myself once more as I stared at this Kankuro guy.

"Nahh. It's bad to jump into conclusions, Yuki." I said to myself.

"Alright. Next! Shikamaru vs Temari!!" The proctor said. Me and Naruto pushed Shikamaru off the railing, making him fall down on the arena. Seriously! He is so lazy!! "Goodluck, Shikamaru-chan!" I yelled and he just stared lazily at me. "Tsk. What a pain." I heard him mutter. Then, he stood up.


"I quit."

"WHAT!?!?!?!!" Me and Naruto yelled at the same time. "I'm almost out of chakra and besides, there's no point in winning." He said. That lazy dobe!! He already got her with his shadow! Then why did he withdraw?!!

"You teme! What the heck are you saying!?!?!! You already got her!!" Me and Naruto yelled in unison again. Okay. That's just creepy.

Anyway. "Next is....." I gulped.

"Yuki vs Yuro!!" He yelled and I just noticed something. Heeeeey. Both of our names start with a Yu!! Hahaha!

"Go, Yuki!!! Wooooo!!" Naruto yelled and I gave him a thumbs-up. I walked towards the middle and..... This Yuro..... He has the same white hair and silver eyes. He looks just like me! What the?!! Who is this guy anyway!?!! Imitator! Hmp!

"Start!" The proctor said and he came running to me with an amazing speed. I immediately got my sword and blocked his kunai. He looked straight into my eyes and smirked. Then, he jumped back.

"Scattering Snowflakes." He whispered, but I still managed to hear it as he did a few handsigns. Then, he blew beautiful white snowflakes from his mouth and I started to get dizzy. Oh no! Man! He is trying to put me in a genjutsu! Well..... That won't work! I did some handsigns and..... "Release!" I yelled and the snowflakes disappeared.

I removed my glove and put my right hand inside my other pouch, which is full of clay. I silently molded some as we stared at each other. Then, he disappeared and I blocked his kunai knife again. He reappeared behind me awhile ago and good thing, I blocked his kunai before he can even injure me.

As I was blocking his attacks with my sword, I quietly removed my hand from my pocket and secretly dropped the tiny white spider on the floor. It can't be seen in the naked eye because it's so small. It's a microscopic spider of mine.

Once he steps on that, he is dead.

I jumped away from him and did a few handsigns. "Universal pull!!" I yelled and pulled Yuro in an incredible speed. "What the?!" He kinda yelled and before I can even stab him with my sword, he disappeared.

I need to make him step on that spider!

I summoned Shiroi and then, I made him attack Yuro, which is behind me. Shiroi threw up fire and almost got him but he managed to dodge. Tsk. Shurikens came out from Shiroi's tail but he blocked it using his kunai. Then, thousands of senbon needles came out from Shiroi's mouth and went straight to Yuro.

"Too weak." He said, but Shiroi managed to hit him with one senbon and I smirked. "Wrong." I said and as expected, Yuro roughly pulled the senbon needle, which was on his arm awhile ago. I hit him..... And that is poisonous.

While I was controlling Shiroi awhile ago, I was molding some clay and now, I am finished. I threw medium-sized birds, which followed Yuro, and he ran away from it, but they kept on chasing him. Then......

"Katsu! (Explode)" I yelled and BOOM!! He flew backwards from the impact. Poof!! Shiroi disappeared and wings made out of paper slowly formed on my back, just like Konan's. He spat out blood and launched himself at me. He smirked as his right hand turned into a very sharp ice thingy..... But.....

His smirk disappeared and his eyes widened when he went through me. Thanks Tobi. Hehe. Time to use the things I learned from Kakuzu! I immediately turned around and kicked Yuro on the back, making him hit the wall.... Very hard.

Now. Zetsu. I teleported using Zetsu's style by merging on the wall beside Yuro and my sword went straight through his stomach.

He coughed out blood and I punched him on the chest, making him fall on his back on the ground very fast..... And from the impact, he created a huge dent on it. Time to use Hidan's skills, which I saved for the very last.

I licked his blood from my sword and pierced my own sword in my stomach. Then, I used my blood to make the circle and triangle thingy. My skin didn't turn black like Hidan because that would be totally insane. Anyway, when I was done, I used my sword to put a long cut on my lower arm, just to test it if it'll work.

He screamed in pain when I did that. Okay. It's working. Now, his life is in my hands. "Yuro, withdraw already." I said and he looked at me and laughed crazily. "No way!" He yelled and I lowered my head. I don't want to kill. I don't want to kill him.

Fine then. I will just make him unconscious. "Katsu! (Explode)" I yelled and the microscopic spider behind him exploded, making him fly from the impact. Yeah. I know where that spider was all this time. He still managed to stand up though. Man. This is hard. How can I put him to sleep?!

The circle and triangle thingy slowly disappeared and then, he fell unconscious.

Asking why? Shiroi appeared and was sitting behind him when she attacked him with a senbon needle, which caught him with his guard down and hit him on his pressure point on the back of his neck.

Yay! I won!


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