Chapter 25 ~Love Problems! Tskk!~

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About the special omake and Team 7's mission in the Land of Tea, I am going to skip that part and let's just say that it went smoothly. If you don't know, that special omake is the time when Team 7 decided to know what's underneath Kakashi's mask.

So yahh.... Let's skip that :P


Yuki's POV

Sasuke is still in the hospital, recovering, due to the injuries he received from our mission in the Land of Tea and me.... Well, I am here, beside him, just watching him in boredom as Sakura peeled apples for his beloved Sasuke.

"Here, Sasuke-kun." Sakura said as she handed the peeled apples, which are on a plate, to Sasuke but he just stubbornly pushed it away. I managed to catch it though before something bad happens.

Poor apples and poor Sakura.

I understand, Sasuke. I knew that he is jealous of Naruto because Naruto is getting stronger and well, he can't even defeat Itachi. I realized that when we got home from the ehem.... Hotel incident.... Sasuke changed. I've never seen him smile from that day on and a frown is always on his face. For me, it's still too early to fight Itachi. And what will he get after defeating his brother and avenging his clan?

Nothing. Nothing but self-satisfaction.

I hope he realize that while it's still early. I don't want him to get hurt in the end.

Yes, I understand that he really hates Itachi because he slaughtered his whole clan but.... Itachi is his only family now, right? Then, why will he still do everything just to kill the last family he has? And why doesn't he talk to him first? Why not settle things first? Why does he want it to be in a cruel and violent way?

"Sasuke-kun, you don't need to push these away. You could've just declined by just saying no thanks or I'm not hungry. I don't want you to have an attitude like that since being like that will just bring you to nothing. And besides, lighten up. You can still get stronger. It's still not the end of the world, teme." I said and he just glared at me.

On the other hand, Sakura is giving me a what-the-fudge-are-you-talking-about-and-what's-the-connect-to-the-apples-I-gave-Sasuke-? look. Anyway, I looked back at Sasuke, just to see him lowering his head.

I released a long sigh and moved my chair near him. "I told you to lighten up, Sasuke-kun. Come on. Look. Remember the time you bought me this hm?" I asked with a smile while holding my necklace up, trying to cheer him up. "Come on. Show me yours." I said, forcing a smile because deep inside, it really really hurts seeing him like this.

He stared at me but then soon, he sighed and lifted the necklace hidden beneath his shirt. He is still wearing it. I smiled at him and he smiled a little as well. "Don't force a smile anymore, Yuki. You look ugly that way." He said bluntly and I giggled, blinking the tears away.

Yes. I'm trying my best not to cry and thanks to him, I was able to stop my tears. He made me smile again. Atleast he managed to smile for me.

"Huh? A necklace?" Sakura asked and I nodded with a smile.

I giggled as smoke came out from a red-faced Sakura. Oh Sakura, if only you knew that we are in a relationship.... And I am really happy that we're in one.

Sakura's POV

Sasuke-kun bought Yuki a necklace?! What for?! And hey! That reminds me of something! It's like they are dating! I mean, Sasuke smiled for Yuki even though he is in a bad mood and Yuki was able to make him do it!

Aaaargh!!! Yuuuuki! How can you do this?!! T_T

Yuki's POV

"Sakura-chan, smile as well. You're ugly when your face is like that." I said as I laughed. "Hehe.." She said as she scratched the back of her head. I looked at Sasuke again and smiled at him. "Get well soon, Sasuke-kun.... And don't frown anymore. Always smile." I said and he rolled his eyes. "I should be the one who's telling that to you." He said and I smiled once more.

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